

09月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[元宵观灯作文500字]这篇记叙文记叙了小作者和爸爸一起观元宵花灯的经历。文章语言通顺,结构完整。但语言描写详略不当,用词不够标准,表达缺少美感,希望小作者能够再接再厉 元宵观灯 俗话说得好正月...+阅读


festival of lanterns The Festival of Lanterns takes place at the end of the Chinese New Year Celebration,on the fifteenth day of the first moon.Lanterns have been part of Chinese life for centuries so it's not surprising to see a festival of lanterns.

People usually hang lanterns in the gardens,outside the houses,and on the boats.These lanterns are signposts to guide guests and spirits of ancestors to the Lunar celebration.After a sumptuous fifteen-day feast,these lanterns light the way for the spirits back to the world beyond.

Silk,paper and plastic lanterns vary in shape and size and are usually multi-colored.Some are in the shapes of butterflies,birds,flowers,and boats.Other are shaped like dragon,fruit and animal symbols of that year.The most popular type of lantern is the "horse-racing" one,in which figures or animals rotate around the vertical axis of the lantern.

The special food for the Lantern Festival is Yuen Sin or Tong Yuen.These are round dumplings made with sticky rice flour.They can be filled and served as a sweet snack or made plain and cooked in a soup with vegetables,meat and dried shrimp.The round shape of the dumpling is a symbol of wholeness,completeness and unity.

The Lantern Festival is an occasion for families to get together and for everyone--young,old,rich and poor to have fun.






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the Lantern Festival 元宵节rice glue ball 元宵glutinous rice 糯米lion / dragon dance 舞龙/舞狮guess lantern riddles 猜灯谜play couplets game 对对联enjoy beautiful lanterns 赏花灯snuff 灯花exhibit of lanterns 灯会dragon lantern dancing 耍龙灯walking on stilts 踩高跷land boat dancing 划旱船yangko/yangge dance 扭秧歌beating drums while dancing 打太平鼓drum dance 腰鼓舞fireworks party 焰火大会traditional opera 戏曲variety show/vaudeville 杂耍Lantern Festival's temple fair 元宵庙会colored lanterns' temple fair 彩灯庙会...


The Lantern Festival。关于元宵节的句子英语翻译:

1、月圆人也圆,欢欢喜喜都笑颜;福来运更来,甜甜蜜蜜美梦裁;乐事伴喜事,幸幸福福喜滋滋;情久笑更久,美梦在你心中留!元宵节快乐!When the moon is full, people will smile when they are happy. When they are happy, they will be happy. When they are happy, they will be happy. When they are happy, they will be happy. When they are in love, they will laugh for a long time, and their dreams will stay in your heart! Happy Lantern Festival!

2、正月十五月儿圆,欢乐喜庆到人间;正月十五元宵甜,万里河山尽开颜,正月十五幸福绵,好运好事喜连连,正月十五手相牵,幸福生活比蜜甜,短信一条到身边,愿您开心过新年!On the 15th day of the first month, the children are round and happy to the world; on the 15th day of the first month, the Yuanxiao is sweet and the rivers and mountains are full of beauty; on the 15th day of the first month, happiness is continuous and good luck and good things are continuous. On the 15th day of the first month, hand in hand, happy life is sweeter than honey. A text message comes to you, wishing you a happy New Year!

3、送你一碗圆圆汤圆,以幸福、快乐为馅,用开心久久包围,用团圆来熏陶,以吉祥为汤水,在好运上慢慢熬制,只为在元宵佳节送你,愿你幸福一生安康!Send you a bowl of round dumplings, filled with happiness and happiness, surrounded by happiness for a long time, edified by reunion, soup with auspiciousness, boiled slowly on good luck, only to send you on the Lantern Festival, wish you a happy and healthy life!

4、月儿圆,人团圆,彩灯映红佳节夜,舞龙狮,庆元宵,恭贺吉祥又如意,合家欢,福满堂,生活幸福人安康,祝你愿愿如意,事事顺利,元宵节快乐!The moon is round, the people are reunited, the lantern is red, the dragon and lion are dancing, the Lantern Festival is celebrated, the auspiciousness and good luck are congratulated, the family is happy, the life is happy and the people are well-being, I wish you all the best, everything goes well, the Lantern Festival is happy!

5、元宵佳节到,花灯到处照。送您一碗特制汤圆:真心馅,好运料,健康皮,平安汁。送您一份祝福,人团圆,乐逍遥,福无边。祝您元宵快乐合家欢!When the Lantern Festival comes, the lanterns are everywhere. Send you a bowl of special Tangyuan: sincere filling, good luck material, healthy skin, safe juice. Send you a blessing, people reunite, happy, boundless. Wish you a happy Lantern Festival!


用at,在端午节 at Dragon Boat Festival,在中秋节 at Mid-Autumn festival,在元宵节 at Lantern Festival,带有day的节日世宽用on 如:on teachers' day,不带的用at 如:at Spring Festival 端午节,中国传统节日,又称端阳节、龙舟节、重午节、龙节、正阳节、天中节等等,节期在农历五月初五,是中国民间的传统节日。端午节源自天象崇拜,由上古时晌镇代祭龙演变而来。仲夏端午,苍龙七宿飞升至正南中天,是龙飞天的日子,即如《易经·乾卦》第五爻的爻辞曰:“飞龙在天”。搜谨亮端午日龙星既“得中”又“得正”,处在大吉之位,恩施普也,龙德显扬。...



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