

10月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[元宵节的习俗]元宵节习俗 自从元宵张灯之俗形成以后,历朝历代都以正月十五张灯观灯为一大盛事。梁简文帝曾写过一篇《列灯赋》:南油俱满,西漆争燃。苏征安息,蜡出龙川。斜晖交映,倒影澄鲜。描...+阅读


"Lantern riddle quiz" and that "a lantern riddle", is the Lantern Festival and then increased activity, lantern riddle is the earliest it is the riddle, developed originated in the spring and autumn and warring states period. It is one kind of rich referring contemptuously, ring, witty and admonish rules, and laugh by way of literature and art games. In light of the riddle suspension, for people to guess shoot, started in the song dynasty. The old lamp product wu3 lin2 · "account:" to write poems, cut silk light when house ridiculed, and painting people, CangTou lingo, and old Beijing Hun language, mock pedestrian." The Lantern Festival, emperor city not night, ShangDeng does the will, and the people emotions, poetry mystery book in the lamp, mirror in the candle, listed on the roads and people surmised, so called "lantern riddle". Now on the Lantern Festival, each place with riddles, hope this year can beaming, go in peace. Because the riddle can enlighten the wisdom and ?


The lunar month is January, the ancients called night, so called the fifteenth for Lantern Festival. A year on the 15th day of the first month circle, but also a dollar after night, beginning of the earth de-aging rate-and night, people celebrate Spring Festival, is also the continuation of celebration. The Lantern Festival is also known as "or shang yuan festival".

According to Chinese folk tradition, on this day on the haoyue brand of night, people points up lights million lamp, to show celebration. Go out and celebrate randeng put flame lantern riddle quiz, altogether, hei yuanxiao, have a family reunion, celebrated festival, feel happy.


The oldest and most important festival in China is the Spring Festival, more commonly known in the West as Chinese New Year. Like all Chinese festivals, the date of the new year is determined by the lunar/solar calendar rather than the Western (Gregorian) calendar, so the date of the holiday varies from late January to mid February.The Spring festival celebrates the earth coming back to life, and the start of ploughing and sowing. In the past, feudal rulers of dynasties placed great importance on this occasion, and ceremonies to usher in the season were performed. 在中国最古老最重要的节日就是春节了,在西方被成为中国新年。跟其他的中国传统节日一样,春节也是源于中国传统的农历也就是太阳历,而不是西方的阳历,因此这个节日的日期会在一月底和2月初浮动变化。春节庆祝的是土地的生命复苏,和一年耕作的开始。




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