

12月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[国庆节的由来50字英语作文]国庆节的由来50字英语作文【1】 Oct.1st is the national day of China. In 1949.Oct.1st,was the first year of the national day of China. At that time,people were ve...+阅读


Oct.1st is the national

Oct.1st is the national day of China.In 1949.Oct.1st,was the first year of the national day of China.At that time,people were very happy,because China has been free ,the war has just stopped.We were the winner!Then every year of this day,people put the national flag out to celebrate.At the capital of China--Peking,there is a lot of people to parade and celebrate in the national day.Everybody was happy and very exciting.It was very lively.Do you want to know and see it? Come and visit us for the national day of China.

Oct.1st is the national day of China.In 1949.Oct.1st,was the first year of the national day of China.At that time,people were very happy,because China has been free ,the war has just stopped.We were the winner!Then every year of this day,people put the national flag out to celebrate.At the capital of China--Peking,there is a lot of people to parade and celebrate in the national day.Everybody was happy and very exciting.It was very lively.Do you want to know and see it? Come and visit us for the national day of China.

Oct.1st is the national day of China.In 1949.Oct.1st,was the first year of the national day of China.At that time,people were very happy,because China has been free ,the war has just stopped.We were the winner!Then every year of this day,people put the national flag out to celebrate.At the capital of China--Peking,there is a lot of people to parade and celebrate in the national day.Everybody was happy and very exciting.It was very lively.Do you want to know and see it? Come and visit us for the national day of China.


国庆节由来的作文国庆节的由来作文【1】 在我很小的时候,爷爷就经常讲:10月1日是我们伟大中国的国庆节,中国人民在中国共产党的领导下,取得了革命胜利,1949年10月1日,在首都北京天安门广场举行了...

作文国庆节的由来关于国庆节由来的作文一:作文国庆节的由来 “国庆”一词,本指国家喜庆之事,最早见于西晋。 西晋的文学家陆机在《五等诸侯论》一文中就曾有“国庆独飨其利,主忧莫与其害”的记载...


国庆节的由来作文国庆节就快到了,对于国庆的来历,你们知道吗?不知道的话,代我慢慢说来。下面是小编整理的国庆节的由来作文,欢迎参考! 国庆节的由来作文一 在我很小的时候,爷爷就经常讲:10月1日是我...

国庆由来英语作文国庆节的来历英语作文1 National day with the words, this means the State Festival, first seen in the Western Jin dynasty. Western Jin dynasty literati Lu Jis in...

国庆节的由来日记国庆节的由来日记【1】 世界各国确定国庆节的依据千奇百怪。 据统计,全世界以国家建立的时间为国庆节的国家有35个。 以占领首都那天为国庆节的有古巴、柬埔寨等。 有些国家...

中国国庆节的由来是怎样的公历10月1日是中华人民共和国成立的纪念日。1949年10月1日,北 京天安门广场举行隆重的开国大典,这标志着中华人民共和国的诞生,也标 志着中国历史从此走入新纪元。 1840年鸦片...

国庆节的由来简短英语National Day is a national holiday established by a country to commemorate the country itself. They are usually the country's independence, the signing of the c...

