

03月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[国庆节诗歌]在国庆来临之际,九象收集整理,【国庆节诗歌】小编推荐阅读,详见正文; 祖国啊,我为你自豪 当巍峨的华表, 让挺拔的身躯披上曙光, 当雄伟的天安门, 让风云迎来东升的太阳. 历史的...+阅读


1.In the heart of the nation, flags unfurl, Joyous celebration, every boy and girl. Red, yellow, and stars of white, Glorious colors, a magnificent sight.

People gather, laughter rings, As the anthem proudly sings. With unity and pride, we stand tall, Happy National Day to all!

2.On this day of pride and cheer, We come together, far and near. A nation united, strong and free, In peace and harmony, we decree.

Under the flag, red, white, and blue, We honor the past and look anew. With gratitude and love, we say, Happy National Day, hooray!

Some English Poems about National Day:

1. "United We Stand"

On this day of red, white, and blue, We come together, me and you. Hand in hand, we proudly say, Happy National Day, hooray!

Through trials and triumphs, we unite, In the face of challenges, we fight. With strength and courage, we stand tall, Together, we conquer all.

So let the flags wave high above, In honor of the land we love. United we stand, forever strong, Happy National Day, with joyous song!

2. "Land of Liberty"

In the land of liberty, we stand, With freedom's flame in every hand. On this day of pride and cheer, We celebrate with hearts sincere.

From coast to coast, we raise the flag, In honor of our nation's sag. With gratitude and love, we say, Happy National Day, hooray!

So let the fireworks light the sky, As we lift our voices high. In unity and peace, we'll stay, Happy National Day, today and every day!


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