

02月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

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The cool breeze, the sky was clear, in this fruitful season, we ushered in the birthday of the motherland, with all the same I wish the national day, I feel very happy. Here I am

To be proud of the motherlands mother said: I love you, china!

Ah! The Yellow River Yangtze River, Pentium million, you feed a glorious nation! Five thousand years of glorious history, renowned in the world of Chinese civilization, enough to make people as the acme of perfection. Oh, motherland, the river is flowing through your hair, a long long mountain is the backbone of your tough.

You he all over the mountains and plains treasure, you he beautiful varied landscape, you he a beautiful decoration of the the Imperial Palace, you he Wan Ting stretch of the the Great Wall, the longitudinal history, there are eight cross. You still he a lot of / in your vast land, generations of all the children of the Yellow Emperor with their own hands to create

Made a splendid Oriental civilization.

However, we will not fet that the Chinese nation had the vicissitudes of life, after suffering, our motherland has much humiliation and insult. We shall never fet the bright garden, fet in every China head Asia hat, fet the park gate Chinese and dogs not allowed sign, fet the three hundred thousand patriots in Nanjing red blood of the Yangtze river.

The earth groans, the Yellow River is crying, however China people never crushed. Humen beach opened the Chinese people against aggression prelude.

The banner of the Taiping Heenly Kingdom, the reform movement of the thunder. Yihetuan Tenodera fighters of the revolution of 1911, the one to the world that the Chinese people can not be humiliated, China people will not be bullied. The May 4th Movement cry, China founded the munist Party, more like thunder across the sky. From Nanchang to Jinggangshan, from Yanan to xibaipo,

Sparks of fire can start a prairie fire. . Chinese people use millet plus rifles simply played a bright

Rotten new China, we the East giant finally stood up again!


Looking at the sky, sunny, my mood is bright; overlooking the earth, full of vigour, my smile is more vigorous; listen to birds, sweet, my heart felt delight! What a happy National Day, how happy the national day!

The birds fly freely in the sky, the clouds fluttering leisurely in the sky; butterflies in the flowers dancing in the flowers, the bees back and forth. Everyone in the celebration of national day, we are preparing, dancing, for the National Day cheer: dear motherland, happy birthday!

National Day, give a person a kind of happy, happy feeling. The flowers open in the National Day National Day in the growth of grass is exceptionally beautiful, especially green, the birds fly in the National Day is free, the city in the national day decoration particularly prosperous, and we, in the National Day holiday is extraordinarily excited and joyful!



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