

07月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[春节晚会的邀请函]爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。那么你知道春节晚会的邀请函是怎么写的吗?下面小编整理了春节晚会的邀请函,供你参考。 春节晚会的邀请函范文一 ___________公司: 我公司决定...+阅读



Dear classmates:

In order to improve the munication between teachers and students, teachers and students of our school show style, in the New Year approaching, with Chinese family as the theme of our school teachers and students 20XX years of new years Day festival will meet with faculty and students.

By then, we sincerely invite you and parents to attend the new years Day party, eagerly look forward to your arrival!

XX University



Dear leaders, teachers:

The new year is about to ring the bell, the new year Xinxin ran toward us. Plum bloom, spring brings us information; snow drift, sent us in spring. On the occasion of the new year, we he to for the college education development is the hard work of staff to extend New Year greetings, wish you good health, success in work, happy new year!

As the new year begins, Everything looks fresh and gay. Our hospital in order to create a harmonious atmosphere, promote the exchange of students and teachers, teachers and students in the school to show my style, is approaching, by actively improve the preparation, with the harmonious spring as the theme of our hospital in XXXX and new years Day festival will meet with faculty and students.

Then, vice president of XX University, the dean of the Law School of XXX song patio spring snow will once again show Northland scenery, magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland. Law school teachers and students will be decent, loud and clear, beautiful voice, sing the harmony with January, elegant and passionate dance interpretation of spring harmony. To this end, we invite you to participate in the new years Gala, I believe that your participation will be able to make our party the icing on the cake. We will inform the party related matters as follows, look forward to your arrival!

Time: XX, XX, 7:00

Location: X University XX campus auditorium

X College of XX



Dear Mr. XXX / ms.:

Hello! The new year ing, to thank you for your support of our work over the past year, the pany specific to XX years XX months XX days in XXX (place) held a new years party. On behalf of the pany all staff, look forward to your arrival!

Merry: everything goes well with your work!

XXX pany



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