

08月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[元旦晚会的邀请函]元旦节的到来也意味着新的一年的到来,那么你知道元旦晚会的邀请函是怎么写吗?下面小编整理了元旦晚会的邀请函,供你参考。 元旦晚会的邀请函范文一 XXX: 天悦瑜伽与郑州广播电...+阅读


To * * * :

2017 fourth session of Chinas entrepreneurs Spring Festival gala and big show good brand Chinese art activity is by the China council for the promotion of private panies, the development of Chinese private panies refer to the editorial board, Chinese good brand working mittee, the anizing mittee of the Chinese private entrepreneurs Spring Festival gala, hunan TV, international channels, the development of Chinese corporation reference zhongnan work management office, Beijing HuaWenMin culture media co., LTD. Hunan branch joint undertaking, activities will be to promote enterprise development, sets up the brand image for the main shaft, and in the form of culture and art big show, sincerely invite you to attend the activity.

To invite leaders and experts

In order to put the private entrepreneurs Spring Festival gala more exciting, more far-reaching influence, the anizing mittee intends to please the country and hunan province successive leaders, experts, on-site guidance:

Wu guixian (former vice premier of the state council)

Wang (vice chairman of the national federation of industry and merce)

Hu deping (former member of the national mittee of the Chinese peoples political consultative conference)

Zhang weixin (China private enterprise international cooperative development promotion association)

Zhang hana (President of the China investment association)

Zhao guanghua (former deputy secretary general of the Chinese peoples political consultative conference)

Ma guochao (President of the Chinese general council of cultural arts)

Li jichun (former director of the ministry of public security)

Qi jianhua (President of the China national friendship association)

Liu fusheng (former chairman of the CPPCC)

Chen shuhong (former deputy director of hunan provincial peoples congress)

CAI lifeng (former deputy director of hunan peoples congress)

Tang (deputy director of hunan provincial peoples congress, former vice governor of hunan province)

Zhou xianchang (former deputy director of hunan provincial peoples congress and former vice governor of hunan provincial peoples government)

Liu yu-e (former deputy director of hunan provincial peoples congress and former chairman of hunan provincial general trade union)

Luo haian (former deputy director of hunan peoples congress)

Dong zhiwen (former deputy director of hunan provincial peoples congress)

Fan guangling (President of the Taiwan culture association and President of the China business administration)

Yang moonan, former deputy secretary of the CPC central mittee in hunan province

Luo junsheng, former deputy director of the legislative council of hunan provincial peoples congress

Li yaowu (former director of hunan TVs headquarters).

The anizing mittee of the Spring Festival gala of Chinese private entrepreneurs

General gu ask: roto

Secretary of secrets: tang cheng-rong

Executive secretary: tan chaoxiong

Executive deputy secretary-general: jiang meng

Deputy secretary general: all jianfeng, guang-qiang wu, ng, Wang Xiangye, jie-hui li, clubmosses, Wang Shide, new, jiang Chen, zhen-hui zhao, wen hao

Local leaders: qu bing, zhu gang rong, zhou yushan, yuan zhongxiang, hu qiuhua, li yong,

Deng junqiang, wang hongbin, Lin qingjiang, Chen lianyi, xu rainbow, hu changsheng,

Ge guang too, zhu wenjian, liu hancheng, liu yi, ning feng

General director: zhang wenting

Office director: tan chaoxiong

Executive director of the office: wang minggui

Deputy director of the office: ji xiangli, Yang liuqing

Third, the event broadcast media and broadcast time

The video of this session will be broadcast to the media: hunan satellite TV international channel. Timing broadcast three times before, during, and after the Spring Festival, here is the Chinese Hong Kong TV broadcast twice, and by the Peoples Daily, CCTV , tencent, sina, corporation channel, youku, sina, baidu and other long-term.

The location and time of the activity

The event was drawn up in changsha, changsha, hunan province, which was scheduled for 22 solstice28 on January 22, 2017.

5, please press the media

CCTV, CCTV, China , Peoples Daily, xinhua, China Daily, reference news,

China economic times, China business news, the Chinese quality, Chinese brand magazine, corporation channel, hunan satellite television, by depending on the platform of hunan, hunan satellite TV channel, hunan satellite TV golden eagle international documentary channel, hunan daily, changsha evening news, xiaoxiang morning herald, sansho metropolis daily.

6, contact information

The anizing mittee of the Spring Festival gala of Chinese private entrepreneurs

Address: no.59 in changsha, hunan province

(4 floors 418, 420, science and technology hall of the provincial science and technology department)

A: 010-66122689

E-mail: tcx4319186#163.

Contact number: 13975849988 (Mr. Tang) 13707482251 (Mr. Tan)

18570331899 (Mr. Chiang)

Seat machine: 0731-84684829

Attached: the director and star cast of the popular Spring Festival gala

General director zhang wenting

A new generation of female directors, actors, actors for many years experience for her film career has laid a solid foundation, dance learning culture on the height of the art aesthetic, rational from the perceptual world to the world. She grew up in a family of operatic exerts a artistic influence, and inherits the parents for the single-minded pursuit of art and uprightness and good nature, so she always lock, kindness, beauty and truth as the theme of works with her the feeling of life to create works of art.

Main experience: the movie Yang guifei plays Yang yuhuan

The TV series liu Lao gan is an executive director

The movie dream of the red chamber serves as an executive director

The TV series princess of the princess is the executive director

Chinas first private entrepreneur is the director of the Spring Festival gala

Star cast: [the cast will need to be asked]

Ray better Linda Hanon han hong BianXiaoZhen hu month Feng Xiaoquan QuXuan Ceng Gege kai li ding guangquan, a big mountain and sun hao LZSB Zhou Yanhong bluewind Wang Erni Po cheng Lin girls Guo Da sun yue Wang Jieshi Yin Xiangjie Wen-hua yu Dawei jiang LiuShiMing Zhu Lin Stop power pro Zhou Bingqian static FuDiSheng Liu Changyu Li Weikang GengJiChang Yu-hua deng liang day HangTianQi Tang Jiezhong chi volunteers Wang Zhengzheng zhang liangying Xiaojie shi Liu Hegang white snow Jia Jiguang Bowling liu Han Bing

KanLiJun Xiao-qing hu The Crimea Liza lee Han lei took Guangxi li Liu Bingyi Arirang portfolio Yang guang gi Wei-guo zhao

春 节 邀 请 函



一、 拟邀领导、专家

为了把本届民营企业家春节联欢晚会办得更精彩,更有深远的影响力, 组委会拟请全国、湖南省历届领导、专家到现场指导工作:






















二、 中国民营企业家春节联欢晚会活动组委会

总 顾 问: 罗 托

秘 书 长: 唐承荣

执行秘书长: 谭超雄

常务副秘书长:蒋 梦

副秘书长: 全剑锋、吴光强、吴正求、王祥业、李杰辉、曾石松、 王世德、蒋之新、陈 霖、赵振辉、文 浩

地方负责人:屈 冰、朱帮荣、周玉山、袁忠祥、胡秋华、李勇樯、


葛光太、朱文建、刘汉城、刘 毅、宁 锋

总 导 演:张雯婷




三、 活动播出媒体及播出时间


四、 活动地点及时间

本次活动拟定的地点是:湖南省长沙市湖南卫视演播大厅,时间拟定于 2017年元月22日至28日之间举行。

五、 拟请媒体



六、 联系方式





北京市丰台区横一条甲十八号院 电话:010-66122689


联系电话:13975849988(唐先生) 13707482251(谭先生)


座 机:0731-84684829










雷 佳 王丽达 吕 薇 韩 红 卞小贞 胡 月 冯晓泉 曾格格 凯 丽 丁广泉 大 山 瞿玄和 孙 浩 毕福剑 周艳泓 成方圆 王二妮 阿 宝 程 琳 蔡 明 郭 达 孙 悦 王洁实 尹相杰 于文华 蒋大为 柳石明 朱 琳 郭冬临 周冰倩 任 静 付笛生 刘长瑜 李维康 耿其昌 邓玉华 梁 天 杭天琪 唐杰忠 奇 志 汪正正 张靓颖 石小杰 刘和刚 白 雪 贾继光 博 林 刘 畅 韩 冰

阚丽君 胡晓晴 克里木 李玲玉 韩 磊 戴玉强 李光羲 刘秉义 阿里郎组合 杨 光 大 兵 赵卫国 闫学晶


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