

02月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[跪求元旦晚会英语开场白和闭幕白]开场: A:尊敬的各位领导 B:亲爱的老师、同学们 合:大家新年好 新的钟声,新的一年,新的祝福,新的期待 A2011年在成功和收获的喜悦中渐渐远去了,2012年的钟声即将敲响,回首往事,我们满怀...+阅读

This national day,I'm very happy.I'm going to many interesting plases.This day,I'm going to shopping. Then,I'm going to the moutains with my best friend.So I'm very happy! National Day evening,I'm going to the park for a walk.I think I'm very tired.But I'm very happy. I think I have a happy National Day!


求高手帮也一个英语作文以学生名义写封倡议书号召为灾区建设Dear teachers and schoolmates, we are sorry to see so much waste in our school. In toilet some students leave the taps on after clening the hands. They shouldn'...

英语写一段广告词长一点还带翻译*宝马汽车:驾驶乐趣,创新无限 * BMW car: driving pleasure, unlimited innovations 宝马和奔驰都是汽车中的精品,所不同的是奔驰体现的是尊贵和身份感,主人往往聘请专人驾驶;而...

英语写关于母亲节和父亲节的句子To the world's number one mom! 给世界上最好的妈妈!You are the best mom that a son ever had. 您是儿子心中最好的妈妈。Here's a little token of my appreciation for a...

有关端午节的英语单词Tzung Tzu 粽子(名词) He ate so much Tzung Tzu that he became sick. 他因为吃太多粽子而感到身体不适。 wrap 包裹(动词) She wrapped the Christmas presents with colorful...

英语环保标语Plant trees and grass, environmentally-friendly Take a proactive role in waste reduction campaign, do a good job in the implementation of waste management; Buil...

英语环保标语20条急保护环境,人人有则 人人为环保、环保为人人 人人关心环境质量 人人参与环境保护 珍惜资源 永续利用 保护环境光荣 污染环境可耻 依靠科技进步 促进环境保护 提高环境意识 保...

我要关于水污染的英语标语越多越好水孕育和维持着地球上的生命。Water inoculation and maintain the life on earth. 谁来关爱水的生命!Who will care water of life! 谁来净化我的心灵! Who will purify my m...

求保护环境的英语口号Nurture nature, Thank the earth, Sun, water, wind, Plants & animals, For their bounty, Take care to , Keep them clean, Live & leave them pure. Save the ________...

英语俚语在英语中什么叫俚语英语俚语是一种非正式的语言,通常用在非正式的场合,所以在用这些俚语是一定要考虑到所用的场合和对象,最好不要随意用这些俚语。下面是一些常用的俚语。 a bird in the hand is...
