

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[用英语介绍Youth Day]Background of International Youth Day The General Assembly on 17 December 1999 in its resolution 54/120, endorsed the recommendation made by the World Conferenc...+阅读

Who is -- The ignorance of our leading into the spacious classroom, Teach us a wealth of knowledge » Is! Teacher! You use the sweat of hard work, Groundbreaking just feeding the spring of Nenmiao. Who is -- We mischievous to the Education can be as considerate of the people to help others » Is! Teacher! Your concern on the spring breeze like Hexu Warm our hearts. Who is -- To our young Developed into a mature sensible juvenile » Is! Teacher! Let us protect your healthy growth. In the autumn season have forged fruitful results. Your hard! Teacher! In the heat of the cold hard-working people. Your hard! Teacher! Mody youth without the dedication of the people. We give you my highest respect! -- You hard, the teacher! [◇ ◇ ◇ dedicated mentor ◇ ◇ ◇] Thank you for not learning to become Labor and become a joy; Thank you for letting me understand the value of their own; Thank you for your help I found that their expertise But let me do things better; Thank you for your help I drove them off I do not understand things The fear of January 11 and convince me To thoroughly understand them; Thank you, I can never become a trusted person Having trouble in their lives will be to help people. The image of violence and greed we will be surrounded. They desperately Strickland door, But we very safe here. In this small space we learn to respect each other thinking, learning, and create Zhuomo. Add to the United States and I will be your hands, that is, I start. You, my teacher, my teaching, imagination, vision, which created from my life. In a happy classroom learning is a slow intoxicated feeling. We have been such a feeling.


有没有一些让人落泪的关于教师的事迹啊“活着不痛快,死又死不了,简直是个人渣”. 忽然想起这句话,五年前教我英语的一个老师说过的话.忘记是对谁说的,不过这句话着实引起大家的公愤.我还清楚的记得那次英语期末成绩为...

高考英语作文书信开头要不要寒喧语1.How is it going? 最近怎么样? 2.I am glad to receive your letter.很高兴收到你的来信. 3.You asked me about(+problem question 等),now let me give you some advice.你...

英语写信开头怎么开英语写信开头是对收信人的称呼: Dear Mr. Smith (致函男士) Dear Mrs. Smith (致函女士) Dear Sir (致函给不知名的男士) Dear Madam (致函给不知名的女士) Dear Mary (朋友可直呼其名...

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英语书信开头怎么写正规书信里面是写名加姓,比如 Dear Prof. Peter Marlow。如果与对方很熟悉,就写Dear+名。 英文书信可以有以下几种情况的开头方法: 1、在完全不知道对方是谁的前提条件下,可用 D...

英语贺卡的祝福问候语是那些【祝福:NO.01】——《友情篇》 From majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you. 越过青翠的峻岭和山谷,直到晶...

怎样写英语祝福卡片Hope you have lots of fun.希望你欢乐无比.Hope for the best.祝你一切顺利!Get your desire.祝如愿以偿.Good luck to you!Good luck for your future!祝你今后一切顺利!Good...

教师节教育故事今天是一年一度的教师节,我要送给老师一份珍贵的礼物。 送什么好呢?我想了一夜,送老师花吧,不行,花店里有的是花人人都会买。有了,我要送老师一份自己亲手做的礼物。 我要送老师五...

教师节神秘礼物的作业今天是一年一度的教师节,我要送给老师一份珍贵的礼物。 送什么好呢?我想了一夜,送老师花吧,不行,花店里有的是花人人都会买。有了,我要送老师一份自己亲手做的礼物。 我要送老师五...
