

03月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[20XX年英国节日表]2012年英国节日表 1月1日元旦[公共假日] New Year's Day 1月2日 新年的第1个星期一 贺礼星期一[苏格兰公共假日] Extra New Year's Bank holiday 3月1日圣大卫节 威尔士守护...+阅读


英国元旦的习俗英文版: 在英国,公历元旦虽没有圣诞节那样隆重,但在除夕夜和元旦,还是根据当地的风俗匀惯开展种种庆祝活动,以示送旧迎新。英国人在除夕的深夜,常带上糕点和酒出去拜访,他们不敲门,就径直走进亲友家去。按英国人的风俗,除夕千夜过后,朝屋里迈进第一只脚的人,预示着新的一年的运气。如果第一个客人是个黑发的男人,或是个快乐、幸福而富裕的人,主人就将全年吉利走好运。如果第一个客人是个浅黄头发的女人,或是个忧伤、贫穷、不幸的人,主人在新的一年中将遭霉运,会遇上困难和灾祸。除夕在亲友家作客的人,在未交谈前,要先去拨弄壁炉的火,祝福主人“开门大吉”。英国的新年庆祝活动大都在除夕火夜举行,“迎新宴会”,便是其中之,这种宴会分“家庭宴会”和“团体宴会”两种,宴会通常从除夕晚上8时开始中直至元旦凌晨结束。

宴会上备有各种美酒佳肴和点心,供人们通宵达量地开怀畅饮。午夜时分,人们打开收音机,聆听教堂大钟的新年钟声,钟声鸣响时,人们一片欢腾,举杯祝酒,尽情欢呼,高歌《往昔的日光》。“除夕舞会”则是另一种庆祝活动。由当地的旅馆和舞会,夜幕降临。人们身着节日盛装,从四面八方杰到这些装饰一新的灯光辉煌的舞场,在美妙的乐声中翩翩起舞,成千上万的人群,还云集到各个广场,围绕着广场中心的喷泉和厄洛斯神象,载歌载舞,尽情狂欢。电视台还在广场做现场直播,让在这家“守岁”的人也共享欢乐。 In the UK, Christmas calendar New Year's Day, although not as grand, but New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, or used in accordance with local customs and uniform to carry out all kinds of celebrations, to show to get rid of. The British New Year's Eve the night, often bring cakes and wine to go out to visit, they do not knock on the door, they go straight into the family and friends at home. According to British custom, night New Year's Eve 1000, after the first foot forward towards the house of people, heralding a new year of luck. If the first guest was a black-haired man, or a happy, happy and affluent people, the owner will be lucky to go good luck throughout the year. If the first guest is a light yellow hair and a woman, or a sad, poor, unfortunate people, the owner will be in the new year has been bad luck, would encounter difficulties and disasters. Jia Zuoke New Year's Eve at the relatives and friends who, without talking before, we must first went to fiddle with fireplace fire, blessing master "open the door down." Britain's New Year's celebrations mostly in the New Year's Eve fire at night, "New Year Banquet," is one of this party into "family dinner" and "group banquet" two, banquets usually from 8 pm to begin the New Year's Eve until the early hours of New Year's Day end. Wine dinner with a variety of dishes and snacks for people to drink all night up and quantity of entertainment. At midnight, people turn on the radio to listen to church bells of the New Year's bell, bell ringing, people are a joy, toast, enjoy cheering, singing, "past the sun." "New Year's Eve" is another celebration. By the local hotels and dance parties, night fell. People dressed in their holiday best, from all directions, a new kit to these decorative lights brilliant dance, in the wonderful music in the dance, thousands of people, but also gathered to every square around the center of the square's fountain and Eros god elephant, singing and dancing, enjoy carnival. Square is also broadcast live on television to do so at this, "Shou Sui" who also share the joy.


服饰礼仪 德国人不喜欢服装的花哨,但都很注重衣冠的整洁,穿西装一定要系领带。在赴宴或到剧院看文艺演出时,男士经常穿深色礼服,女士则穿长裙,并略施粉黛。在东部地区,已婚者都带上金质戒指。 仪态礼仪 德国人对工作一丝不苟,在社交场合也举止庄重,讲究风度。德国妇女的特点是素,这不光是体现在穿着打扮上,也体现在言谈举止上。与德国人相处时,几乎见不到他们皱眉头等漫不经心的动作,因为他们把这些动作视为对客人的不尊重,是缺乏友情和教养的表现。 相见礼仪 德国人比较注重礼节形式。在社交场合与客人见面时,一般行握手礼。与熟人朋友和亲人相见时,一般行拥抱礼。在与客人打交道时,总乐于对方称呼他们的头衔,但他们并不喜欢听恭维话。

对刚相识者不宜直呼其名。 餐饮礼仪 德国人在宴会上和用餐时,注重以右为上的传统和女士优先的原则。德国人举办大型宴会时,一般是在两周前发出请帖,并注明宴会的目的,时间和地点。一生宴会则是在八至十天前发出。他们用餐讲究餐具的质量和齐备。宴请宾客时,桌上摆满酒杯盘子等。他们有个习俗,那就是吃鱼的刀叉不能用来吃别的。...


英国新年 40万人集体狂欢。2005年12月31日晚,英国伦敦特拉法尔角广场将举行盛大狂欢,人们身着节日盛装,从四面八方汇到灯光辉煌的舞场,在美妙的乐声中翩翩起舞,成千上万的人群,还云集到各个广场,围绕着广场中心的喷泉和厄洛斯神象,载歌载舞,尽情狂欢。 英国人在2005年12月31日深夜,常带上糕点和酒出去拜访,他们不敲门,就径直走进亲友家。按英国人风俗,除夕千夜过后,朝屋里迈进第一只脚的人,预示着新的一年的运气。如果第一个客人是个黑发男人,或是个快乐、幸福而富裕的人,主人就将全年吉利走好运。如果第一个客人是个浅黄头发的女人,或是个忧伤、贫穷、不幸的人,主人在新的一年将遭霉运。除夕在亲友家作客的人,在未交谈前,要先去拨弄壁炉的火,祝福主人“开门大吉”。



The British New Year custom, the day before every household to be a wine bottle, cabinet in the flesh, they didn't think the remaining meat, in the coming year will be poor. In addition, there are "playing well," the customs, think the first hit the water for a happy man, hit the water is auspicious water. They go to a friend's house at night, do not knock on the door, and a lot of stress!


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