

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小动物的童话故事50字]六一节到了,森林里的小动物们都收到了美好的礼物。住在快乐小屋里的兔儿也不例外。她同样也收到了许多令人兴奋的礼品。 这不,猪大爷送完礼物才刚走呢!兔儿的礼物几乎要堆满了...+阅读


狼子野心 [ láng zǐ yě xīn ]


基本释义 详细释义

[ láng zǐ yě xīn ]


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例 句



一言九鼎指什么动物一言九鼎指什么动物——答案:龙。 一言九鼎 yī yán jiǔ dǐng 【解释】九鼎:古代国家的宝器,相传为夏禹所铸。一句话抵得上九鼎重。比喻说话力量大,能起很大作用。 【出处】...

的成语4个关于动物的寓言故事有哪些狐假虎威、亡羊补牢、守株待兔、叶公好龙、画龙点睛 1、狐假虎威 我听说北方地区的诸侯都惧怕昭奚恤,果真是这样吗?”群臣没有能回答上来的。 江一回答说:“老虎寻找各种野兽来...

描写动物的英语作文80词左右急啊Among all the animals,I like rabbit most.When I was a little girl,keep a rabbit by myself,it was very lovely with a pair of long ears,and two red round eyes,the...

关于描写动物的英语作文My Pet Recently, three owls appeared suddenly on our campus. They made me think of my pet from childhood. When I was little, we had an owl at home. It was small...

描写动物的英语作文Today, I happily home saw two cute little squirrel. They that small and exquisite YuanLiuLiu face inlaid with a pair of small eyes and small triangle of the ear...

关于动物的英语作文One day, my mother bought two little rabbits for me. I'm very happy. From that on, the two little rabbits became my good friends. They have two little ears, red...

动物英语作文80个词左右Bears can be found throughout the world. they are generally large animals, and they walk upright just like us. They have a large body, short legs, a stub of a t...

关于动物的一段英语作文带翻译 80词I'm Mary.I'm a middle school student.I like animals very much.Such as:rabbite,cat,dog,monkey.But,all of them,I like rabbit best. First,I think it's very lovely....

求一篇写动物的英语作文 80词左右I want to be a lawyer who is able in many people's heart.And lawyers can do something to help keep the society harmonious.I can help them who require helping wh...
