

01月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[医学论文摘要翻译英文]Dorsalis Pedis Artery Advancement Flap Repair of Forefoot Back Skin Defect RenqiuCity-East Third Hospital Abstract: Objective: to investigate the method and eff...+阅读

hare jeered at a tortoise for the slowness of his pace .But he laughed ,and said that he would run against her and beat her any day she would name ."Come on ," said the hare ,"you will soon see what my feet are made of ."So it was aGREed that they should start at once .The tortoise went off jogging along ,without a moment's stopping ,at his usual steady pace .The hare treating the whole matter very lightly ,said he would first take a little nap ,and that she should soon overtake the tortoise .Meanwhile ,the tortoise plodded on ,and the hare ,oversleeping herself ,arrived at the goal ,only to see that the tortoise had got in before her . Slow and steady wins the race. 兔子嘲笑乌龟的步子爬的慢,但是他笑了,说总有一天他会和她赛跑,并且赢他。"快点",兔子说,"你很快会看到我是跑的多么的快。"他们打算马上就开始比赛。乌龟拼命的爬,一刻都不停止,兔子认为比赛太轻松了,他说他先打个盹,然后很快的可以追上乌龟。同时乌龟坚持爬行,当兔子醒来跑到的时候只能看着乌龟在他前面到达终点。 稳扎稳打终能胜利。



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