

01月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[HR如何与应聘者谈薪资]作为企业,尽管有薪资方案,但假如薪资方案 以不变应百变取守势,不论对吸引人才还是对企业形象来说都是不好的,但假如以变迎合求职者的要求,本来的薪资方案就失去作用,并会在企业内...+阅读

MANAGER:Good morning, Mr. Brown! Please sit down! SAM:Good morning, sir. Thank you. MANAGER:Why did you apply for an internship in this company? SAM:Well, sir, your company is located very near the college, so it would be very convenient for me to work here. MANAGER:Anything else? SAM:Yes, well, your company is an engineering company, and as I am an engineer, it seems I might be able to make myself useful. MANAGER:Er, I see. Among the qualities we are looking for is technical ability and practical skills.A lot of university graduates have paper qualifications--but can they deliver? What would you say to that? SAM:Yes, well, at my college, we have been working mainly on theoretical aspects so that we have a firm foundation. But each semester we have been asked to work on a practical project of some kind or other. Can you give me an example? SAM:Yes, well, during the last semester, I did the technical drawing of an experimental water pump. We had to do a presentation at the end of the semester. MANAGER:Really! Did you bring the drawing with you? SAM:I'm afraid I didn't. I didn't think you would be interested. MANAGER:I see! Tell me, did you do that as an individual assignment? SAM:Well, I worked with a team of five other people on the pump. I didn't want to get too involved, because of the time factor, so I offered to do the drawing, based on the design that had been worked out. MANAGER:What part did the others play in developing the pump? SAM:Well, I didn't have time to attend all the meetings, so I'm not sure exactly what everybody did. MANAGER: I see. It sounds a bit ambitious. SAM: Yes, it was. It took us far too long to get organized, and some of them said they wanted to try it out, and modify it. That was a good thing, I suppose, and I believe in the end it worked quite well, but I didn't get involved in the trials. To be honest, I was worried about our end of semester exams!


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如何和应聘者谈薪资这一招叫稳住应聘者,因为,你前面的那一句有可能把优秀的应聘者吓跑了。 3、开始谈薪资了,首先你要问:你的期望工资是多少?这个大家都知道了,有的应聘者抱着搏一把的态度,漫天要价,这...
