

01月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[邀请辅导员参加万圣节的英文信]Hi, () this is(). It's near to the Halloween, and my friend and I are going to through a Halloween party this weekend. There will be varies delicious food and f...+阅读

As the demand increased quantity and quality of health services, especially in the present not under the background of harmonious doctor-patient relationship, medical personnel working pressure is increasing. If you don't look for ways to alleviate, would allow doctors to produce negative emotions.Therefore, research on occupational stressors of general hospital doctors is necessary.This study on the collation of the analysis of the domestic and foreign research on occupational stress of doctors, a hospital doctor in Ningbo survey questionnaire analysis of factors influencing occupational stressors, found doctors in a hospital, Ningbo, there are significant sources of stress, as well as different age, sex, educational level, marital status, income and length of doctors there are obvious differences.Problems identified in the survey results, statistical analysis, and related literature, from four aspects of individual, family, society and the State put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, hoping to help ease the actual sources of occupational stress among doctors in a hospital in Ningbo. "Keywords": general hospital; doctors occupational pressures; influencing factors "research type": applied research


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