
初一英语作文 60字

01月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急急急说几个中国谚语用英语翻译!]A man without money is no man at all. 一分钱难倒英雄汉。 A merry heart goes all the way. 心旷神怡,事事顺利。 A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,差之千里。 A mo...+阅读

Last Sunday, my parents went out for some business. Usually my parents do the house choirs, such as fixing the bed, sweeping the floor, cooking, and doing laundry. But on that day, I had to do all by myself. On that day, my grandmother came to see me, so I went out with her for a walk. We first went to a park nearby, then we went downtown shopping. My grandmother bought a lot of furniture for her retirement home in the south, and I helped her load them onto a truck. It was a busy day, and I was very tired. But I was very happy.


英语谚语翻译成汉语前面的就用楼上的,我帮你下面的: 二 No pain ,no gain.=If you don't pay anything, you will gain nothing Early to bed and early to trse makes a man healthy,wealthy an...

汉语名言翻译成英语30句1.Pain past is pleasure. (苦难一经成为过去,便化作甘美。--歌德语)[无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来一定甜蜜无比。] 2. While there is life, there is hope. (留...

求一篇关于孩童接受双语教育的英语作文Nowadays, many kindgardens provides bilingual education. This phenomenon has arisen heated discussion across the nation. Many people who support the program say...

初中英语教教我 ^^嘻嘻/ seed ee的发音 i: / /pillow i的发音 i / / earth ear的发音 ə: / / leader er的发音 ə / / for OR的发音ɔ: / / dog o的发音ɔ / /food oo的发音 u: / / foot OO的发音u...

初一英语谁教下The apples in this supmarket were inexpensive. They were c( heap). He found his car( C ). A.was losing B.had lost C.missing D.was missed Uncle Liang can make hi...

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初一英语会的教!用我的太阳镜 use my sunglasses 在柜子里的梨子 the pears int cabinet 网球拍 tennis rackets 把标牌放在合适的地方 put the tags on the right place 把书包带回家 take...

现在初一的英语都教什么内容呀?一、Unit 1 My name's Gina.1.询问姓名 A:What's your name?B:My name is Gina.A:What's your last(family) name?B:My last(family) name is Han.A:What's your first name...
