

02月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一英文电影的精彩对白]We don't need weapons. We need evacuation! 我们不需要武器,我们要撤离! if you do not try to save one life,you will never save any 如果一个人的生命都不尝试去拯救,那你...+阅读

lookong in your eyes I see your smile

looking in your eyes I see my dream

notyhing can stop us

we're heart to heart never to be apart

I'm so glad to find you I will never lose you

I will stay here with you

through all good and bad times

we will have each other

no matter how far we are apart

toy belong to me and I belong to you

I'll love you with my heart forever and ever

I will think about you all my days and all nights

we will be toghether

baause our love will be for ever

you belong to me

youo will always be my love

you belong to me I belong to you

you will always be my love


说出几部英语电影中你认为最感人的台词英文台词并附上中文意思You jump, I jump. --jack, titanic 泰坦尼克。你要跳,我也跟着跳 Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.-- forrest...

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求一首雪莱的诗的英文原版请各位帮忙TO---- One word is too often profaned For me to profane it, One feeling too falsely disdaind For thee to disdain it; One hope is too like despair For prudence t...

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谁有莎士比亚诗集和雪莱诗集英文版的慢慢看吧: percy bysshe shelley is regarded as one of the greatest of all english poets his lyrics such as the cloud,to a skylark,adonai and ode to the west wind...

吴映香那首我的梦 undo歌曲中英文歌词是什么意思歌曲名称:我的梦+Undo 歌手:吴映香 专辑: 编者: 时间补偿值:0 我的梦 + Undo (Live) - 吴映香 词:王海涛/张靓颖/Fredrik Kempe/David Kreuger/Hamed Pirouzpanah 曲:Andy Love/Fre...

我的梦英文版音译Dream It Possible-Delacey I will run, I will climb, I will soar I'm undefeated Jumpiing out of my skin, pull the chord Yeah I believe it The past, is everything...

Tell me why英文版是谁唱的迪克兰·加尔布雷斯 个人介绍 全名:Declan John Galbraith 生日:1991年12月19日 出生地:英国 成长地:爱尔兰 (Declan是英国的英格兰人,爸爸是英格兰人,妈妈是爱尔兰人.生在英格兰的...
