

02月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于写无私奉献的老师作文 600字]无私奉献的老师 教师是一个多么神圣的职业啊!他们所从事的教育事业,是阳光下最灿烂的事业。是神圣的职业就要负出更多的心血与汗水。 老师是辛勤的园丁让我们茁壮成长;老师是无...+阅读

I have a good friend.she is very friendly to me, I am very grateful to her. every time I am sad, she is always around me and comforts me, I like to tell her my sadness and she would listen to me carefully. When I was ill, she would stay with me and took good care of me.she always spoils me.if there is any delicious food,she would give me half of it.every time I want to play , she always stays beside me silently and plays with me.we catch fire jade-like stone worm together, we grow flowers and so on. she said I accounted for half of the thought in her mind.she has really done that. I am very grateful to her,xxx, my good friend.


我心中的好老师的征文作文要求:恪尽职守无私奉献一千字以上我心目中的好老师呢,有一双充满智慧的眼睛,一张能说会道的樱桃小嘴。不过,这些都是次要的。重要的是得有渊博的知识,懂得维护学生的自尊心。 这样的老师,我们班就有一个。 俗话说...

写一篇展示和弘扬爱岗敬业诚信友善关爱学生的教师作文500字以上敬业爱岗的老师 我的老师姓周叫周瑶,她很漂亮,大概25岁左右,高高的鼻梁上戴着一副黑框眼镜,看上去斯文大方。周老师很爱自己的岗位,周老师是我们的语文老师,也是我们的班主任,她知...



英语作文写篇求职信求职信 尊敬的领导 你好,我的名字叫李平。是个年轻的大学毕业生 特来应聘成为贵学的一名英语老师,我擅长英语教学,更关心喜爱学生,工作努力责任心强。希望能留在贵校工作 此敬 =...

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