

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[z c开头单词组成的爱情英文名言]Z开头:zero in your target,and go for it. 从零开始,勇往直前! C开头: We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。 Love keeps...+阅读

1.雨打在牛蒡叶上,为它们发出咚咚的音乐来。太阳为它们发出亮光,使这牛蒡林增添了不少光彩。这样,它们过得非常幸福——这整个家庭是幸福的,说不出地幸福! Rain hit the burdock leaves, for they clunk music to. The sun as they make a light, make the burdock forest add a lot of glorious. In this way, they have a great happiness, the whole family is happy, unspeakably happiness! 2.山上野草的新鲜香气和谷里麝香草以及薄荷的幽香。

低垂的云块先把浓厚的香气吸收进去;然后风再把云块吹走,吹到杉树上。于是香气在空气中散发开来,又清淡又新鲜。 The mountain grass fresh aroma in the valley thyme and mint fragrance. Nodding are the first strong aroma absorption in; And the wind and cloud mass blow away, blow to the cedar. So the fragrance in the air send out into the future, and light and fresh. 3.冰河一望无际地伸展开去。

那是一股汹涌的激流冻成的绿色冰块,一层一层地堆起来,凝结在一起。在这冰堆下面,融化了的冰雪闷雷似的轰隆轰隆地朝山谷里冲过来。再下面就是许多深洞和大裂罅。 The ice fields to spread open. That is a billowing riptide frozen into green ice, a layer to pile up, condensation together. In this ice below, melting snow and ice dull thunder like thunder thunder toward valley blunt come over. Again here are many deep hole and a lot of big crack. .4风只能把人的身外之物吹走,但不能把人的身体吹走。

The wind can only to worldly possessions blow away, but can't take the human body blow away. 5.太阳的女儿们吻着他:她们想要把冰河的公主印在他脸上的那个冰吻用暖气融化掉,使它消失。 The sun's daughters kissed him: they want to put the ice princess printed on 畅功扳嘉殖黄帮萎爆联his face with the BingWen heat melt, make it disappear. 6.这旅程永远是那么变幻无穷,那么新奇莫测。

This journey is always so infinite changes, so novel of unpredictable. 7.每条冰河是冰姑娘的一座玻璃宫。她的权力,意志,就是:捉住和埋葬掉她的牺牲者。 Each glacier ice girl is a glass palace. Her power, and will, be: catch and burial off her victim. 8.他们看见山坡上的积雪动起来了——在一起一伏地动着,像铺在地上的被单在被风吹拂似的。这片像大理石一样光滑和坚硬的雪浪现在裂成了碎片,变成一股汹涌的激流,发出像雷轰一样的声音。

They saw the snow on the slope dynamic up - in set move up and down, like shop is on the ground of the sheets in the wind like. This piece of like marble as smooth and hard snow wave now split into pieces, into a stream of turbulent torrent, make sounds like thunder sound. 9.没有什么东西会高得连爬都爬不上去。你必须爬;只要你有信心,你决不会落下来的。 Nothing will be high even climb all climb. You have to climb; As long as you have confidence, you will never fall down. 10.两边的石崖几乎要碰到一起了,只有一条很狭的罅缝露出一片天来。

石崖下面是一个深渊,里面有潺潺的流水。 Both sides cliff almost met together, only a very narrow a lot of joint show a piece of days. The cliff is a deep abyss, there are the murmuring flowing water.


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