

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[校园安全英语作文]campus security Security issue may sound cliché d, but when it comes to the campus security, we have to take it seriously . Nearly every day, there are reports...+阅读

Dear Xiao Zhang

I 'm terribly sorry that I wasn't home yesterday when you came.I went out to a shopping mall to do some shopping because I did not know that you would come to visit me.If only I had known,I would have stayed at home the whole day and waited for you.I know how you must feel when you spent all the time and effort to come and visit me,only to find out that I wasn't at home.I would be very disappointed if I were you.Once again I want to say how sorry I am,really.To make it up,how about you and I go out during the weekend?You pick the time,either Saturday or Sunday is fine with me.I promise I will turn up on time.

I am really,really sorry and I promise that I will not do the same thing to you.





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