
英语作文:animal intelligence范文

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我的假日英语作文50字]Here comes my holiday! I have lots of plans for this winter holiday. I need to finish my homework first! And I will also preview some of my courses for the next...+阅读

Mensa rated people with intelligence quotient of more that 144 as member of their club. These people can be a kid or a prostitute on the street as long as they have a score of more than 144. To me, intelligence must cover both logical intelligence and social intelligence. The social intelligence, is what I refer to as etiquette quotient. Therefore my view of intelligence is equal to IQ + EQ. Anyone lack of any quotient would not be successful in life. Worst still, if you have high IQ but no EQ, you made end up a weirdo, and likely you will end up isolated by the general public.


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