

02月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[以我的假期为题写一篇英语小短文。50词左右]Whatever one does , one should do it with confidence .If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one can achieve anything when he faces hardship...+阅读

1,表时间的介词:at,before,after,since,still,until,upon,on,from,between,by,in,during,for,through,within,over2,表地点的:at,form,between,near,besid,by,close to,next to,behind,in front of,ahead of,before,arong,beyond,past3,表工具或媒介:by the means of,with,through4,表内容:over,of,as for,with ,due to6,表原因:for,because of,as a result of,owing to, on acconut of,due to


我的假日英语作文50字Here comes my holiday! I have lots of plans for this winter holiday. I need to finish my homework first! And I will also preview some of my courses for the next...

动物话题的英语作文Why should we protect wildlife animals? Do you know of any endangered animals? Why are they in danger?I think there are many endangered animals in the world, su...

一篇以如何保护濒临灭绝的动物为题的高中英语作文古朴国宝:大熊猫 英文: Giant Panda 学名:Ailurpoda melanolenca 大熊猫时一种以食竹为主的食肉目动物,不仅集珍稀、濒危、特产于一身,而且非常古老,有“活化石”之称。与其同时代...

求一篇英语作文My favorite animalMy favorite animal is a panda . the panda look like a bear and polar bear . I think the panda are very cute and lovely , and is very strong and heavy . they can...

简单点的英语作文关于动物最好是狗My Favourite Animal I have a dog. It is my favourite animal. His name is Beibei. His name and my name are the same. I like Beibei very much. He is only one year...

英语作文:animal intelligence范文Mensa rated people with intelligence quotient of more that 144 as member of their club. These people can be a kid or a prostitute on the street as long as they...

求有关于人生话题的英语短范文A Grain of Sand /一粒沙子 by William blake / 威廉.布莱克 To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild fllower hold infinity in the palm of your hand...

英语中最经典的爱情诗我怎样爱你 作者:伊丽莎白.巴莱特.白朗宁(Elizabeth Barrett Browning) 译者:阮一峰 我怎样爱你?让我来告诉你。 我用我灵魂所能达到的极限来爱你, 就像在黑暗中感受 生命的尽头和...

常见的介词有哪些at,in,for,near,after,before,behind,on,by,with,inside,outside,onto,at the back of,instead of,in place of,in front of,at the top of,at the bottom of,on the edge o...
