

02月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求雅思口语范文!参观有关艺术的地点比如museumgallery等一定]参观Beijing Museum of Natural History北京自然博物馆 On Sunday morning, I and my classmates arrived at the gate of Beijing Museum of Natural History. The Museum...+阅读

雅思范文--Children learn by observing the behavior of adultsChildren learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it.The Process of growing up is very complex for children. Among countless factors that influence children's growth, the behavior of adults plays a significant role in shaping children's inclination and character. After the baby is born, the first and the nearest adults are his/her parents. Although the baby is just slur pronunciation, the little baby has started to learn from their parents by observing and copying the adults' talk. This learning environment is important for the babies. There is a special case reported by the press. A baby was abandoned when she was born. A sow fed her as a piglet. When she was about eight years old, some villagers found her, her intelligence was just similar to the two-year old baby and all of her behaviors were looked like a pig. From this case, we know child is a "mirror" which will reflect the behavior of the closet adults. Along with the children's growth, adults will influence them much more, such as logical thinking, making decision, cooperation with others, etc.. The behavior of adults can give children both good and bad influence. Most of the behaviors represent adults' inclination. For instance, if media report chiefly on the shadow side of the society, children will easily incline to violence and excessive sex. Therefore, they will be infected with bad mental state. Behavior is a direct and convincing method to teach children. Things are easier said than done. Parents always tell children those principles repeatedly, but most children can not accept it through these boring method. Adults' behavior is the most effective education method to let them observe the whole process of how to deal with the problems. The children will learn from you naturally.Children are like young trees, they need to be carefully irrigated, fertilized and trimmed. Your behavior will be greatly helpful to shape them into useful talents


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