

02月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文个性签名伤感唯美一些文艺点啊急求!!]再别康桥的英文,都很美,你可以选择几句做你的签名。 Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again --- by Xu Zhimo Very quietly take my leave As quietly as I came here; Quietly...+阅读

i will go down with this ship, i won't put my hands up and surrender,there will be no white flag above my door,i am in love,alawas will be.我将坚持下去,永不降的意思。

hold on , don't be scar,your destiny will keep you on不要害怕,坚持下去,生命永不息。

i believe i can fly , i believe i can touch the sky我相信我可以的。

all i need is time,a moment that is mine,while i'm in between

make the best of what has been given you,everything will come in time,why deny yourself,don't just let life pass you by ,like winter in july.

when i find myself in times of trouble ,she is standing in front of me ,speaking words of wisdom,"let it be"

i will go down with this ship, i won't put my hands up and surrender,there will be no white flag above my door


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