

02月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[ water写一篇70字左右的说明文英语作文]Water Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth. All animals and plants need water. Man also needs water. Water is...+阅读

我这里有一些中考的英语短语和词组,共70个。 1.ask(tell,order) sb. (not) to do sth. 请求(要求;命令)某人(不)做某事 2.see(hear,find) sb. do 看见(听见,发现)某人经常做或做过某事 doing 正在做某事 3.do some doing 做做某事 4.go doing 去做某事 5.had better (not) do 最好(不)做某事 6.finish(enjoy; give up) doing 做完(喜欢,.放弃)某事 Would you mind doing...? 你介意做某事吗? 7.Thank you for doing 感谢你做某事 [介词后用动名词] What(How) about doing...? 你认为做某事怎么样? 8.be busy doing 忙于做某事 with 9.keep sb. doing 使某人一直做某事 keep(get,make) sth. 形容词(作宾补) 使某物怎么样 10.decide(refuse) to do 决定(拒绝)做某事 11.Why not do...? 为什么不做某事 12.make(let) sb. (not) do 使(让)某人(不)做某事 make sth. to do 制作某物为了干什么 13.can (not) do (不)能做某事 [情态动词后用动词原形] 14.stop to do 停下来去做某事 doing 停止做某事 15.go on working 继续做工作 go on with one's work work on keep (on) working don't stop working continue working go on to work(原先不在工作) 16. be made to do 被迫做某事 [被动语态后用"to do"] be made by sb. 被某人制造 be made in some place 在某地制造 be made of sth. 用什么质料制造 be made from sth. 用什么原料制造 be made up of sth. and sth. 由什么组成 17.like (enjoy,be keen on) doing 喜欢做某事 would like to do 想要做某事 want to do; would be interested to do 18.It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多少时间 19.be late for(come late to) ……迟到 20.be(get) interested in 对(开始)……感兴趣 21.be pleased with 对……感到满意 22.be full of 充满…… be filled with 装满…… 23.operate on 对……动手术 24.get(be) ready for 为……作准备 get sth. ready 把……准备好 25.show sb. around 带领某人参观…… show sth. to sb. 把……给某人看 26.be friendly to 对……友好 It's very friendly of you! (你)真好啊! 27.be thankful to sb. 对……感激 28.have gone (been) to 去了(去过)…… have been in 一直在…… 29.thousands of 成千个…… two thousand 两千个…… 30.both...and... 既……又……;两者都 neither...nor... 既不……也不……;两者都不 either...or... 既……又……;或者……或者…… not only...but also... 不但……而且…… 31.be good at 擅长于…… do well in ……学得好 32.be good for; be helpful to 对……有益 be bad for; be harmful to 对……有害 33.think about(over) 考虑(仔细考虑) think of 想念;想到 34.work out the problem 算出习题 answer the question 回答问题 35.play with( / ,the) 玩东西(打球,奏乐器) 36.borrow ...from 从某人那里借进…… lend ...to 把……借出去给某人 keep ... 借……(一段时间) 37.(not) as(so)...as... (不)象……一样 38.so(such)...that... 这样……以致于…… 39.for (单词); so that (从句) 为了 so as to ... (不定式) in order to ... (不定式) 40.at night; in the day(time) 在夜里(白天) on the night of 在(某天)夜里 41.some medicine for 治……的药 42.There's something wrong with ……有毛病 43.What's wrong with you? 你怎么啦? What's the matter with you? 44.speak English(say it in English) 说英语(用英语说它) 45.take a message for …to… 为……带口信给 leave a message for 给……留口信 give a message to 给……口信 46.What's the weather like...? ……天气怎么样? How is the weather ...? 47.in front of 在……前面 in the front of 在……前部 48.have a good time 玩得高兴,过得愉快 have a great(lovely) day enjoy oneself enjoy one's time enjoy every minute of it 49.agree with sb. on sth. 同意某人关于…… agree to sth. 同意什么 50.all (different) kinds of 各种 51.as soon as possible 尽快地 as soon as sb. can 52.at home; in 在家 at Tom's; in Tom's home 在汤姆家 53.at the moment (now) 此刻(现在) at the moment (at that time) 那时刻(当时) 54. be able to; manage to 能(办到某事) be able to; can 会(做某事) 55.be covered with 被……覆盖 56.be famous for 以……出名 57.be proud of 为……自豪 58.by the way 顺便说 in this way 用这种方法 on one's way (to) 在……路上 get in the way 挡道,妨碍 59.used to do 过去常做 be used to doing习惯于 be used to do 被用来为了 60.from time to time; sometimes 不时地; 有时候 once for a while; now and then 断断续续; 时而, 61.make friends with 与……交朋友 62.praise sb. for sth. 为某事表扬某人 63.didn't do; wasn't able to do 没做; 没能(办到) failed to do 64.We are going to have a match... [两个"进行"] There is going to be a match... 65.He died two years ago. [两个"死"] He has been dead for two years. 66.He bought a bike a month ago. [两个"买"] He has had this bike for a month. 67.He came to Shanghai last year. [两个"来"] He has been in Shanghai since last year. 68.He...


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