

02月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[如何快速的学好英语]这是个很普遍的问题!其实没有什么捷径可走! 要学好英语,主要还是要打好基础先!先把自己的英语发音给练好!语音就相当于建房子的地基一样!一定要打牢!然后就可以通过发音来记单词(省...+阅读

Nurse: Good morning, sir. Are you a relative of Joey Lee? Relative of patient: Yes, that will be me. Is he okay? Nurse: He suffered a mild heart attack. But now his conditions are stable. You won't have to worry about any serious problems. Relative of patient: Oh, God! That's so nice to hear! Thank you so much! Nurse: However, you would have to watch his diet while he's at our hospital and also when he leaves the hospital. He must not eat anything with excessive amount of oil or cholestrol. Relative of patient: Got it. We will make sure that he doesn't eat anything bad for him. Also, when will he be able to return home? Nurse: If his conditions don't worsen, he will be able to go back home in a week. We just need to keep him here for further care. Relative of patient: All right, thank you very much!


有哪些适合大学生玩的英语课堂游戏一、数字游戏游戏玩法:老师说:“Group of”和一个数字,“5”或“8”学生们必须跑动起来并且按老师说的数字跟其他学生组成一个与这个数字相同人数的小组。组好了就坐下来,没有围...

有哪些好玩的英语课小游戏1.荒野大对决 Cowboy shout-out 2.蛇与梯子 Snakes and ladders 3.拼字游戏Spelling relay 游戏是一种基于物质需求满足之上的,在一种特定时间、空间范围内遵循某种特定规则...

麻烦提供一些英语课堂游戏可以玩国外流行的BINGO, 只能给你大概的形式.每个参加游戏的人都有一张横竖的网格,像棋盘, 还有许多不同颜色的字母小卡, 背面写有数字.每次,老师告诉大家在横几竖几的地方放上什...

有什么英语课前的三分钟小游戏1、大小声:我读大声,你读小声 2、举一反三:我读一遍,你读三遍 3、单词拍拍拍:(①、②、③、④、⑤)拍这几就读出来 4、炸弹:练习单词时,把一个炸弹放在一个单词上,在读单词的过程中,不...

写两个人在一起比较的特长英语作文I have a good friend,our biggest difference is that character,I was a particularly shy person,is that front,I will be particularly shy,very few will say a few w...

我的特长英语作文One of my favourite sports is swimming, because it is good for our health. I learned how to swim when I was only 5. My mom took me to swimming lesson. I still r...

英语作文我的特长 150200One of my favourite sports is swimming, because it is good for our health. I learned how to swim when I was only 5. My mom took me to swimming lesson. I still r...

有关自己特长的初二英语作文跪求Hello everyone!My name is XX and I am XX years old.There are many different kinds of hobbies.Such as swimming,running ,jogging,shopping and so on.My hobby is sh...

护士英文怎么写nurse [nE:s] n. 护士, 保姆 vt. 护理, 看护 v. 照料 nurse nurse AHD:[nûrs] D.J.[n*8s] K.K.[n)s] n.(名词) A person educated and trained to care for the sick or disabl...
