

02月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁知道两只蝴蝶英文歌词]Oh,my love You hold my hand make me feel the beauty of their world shining stars in your eyes tell me what love is really like like a bird flies in the sky noth...+阅读

你好,本人给你两篇以作参考,内容如下:As also the hero, lost heroesalso. You will always be the true heroeswe have in mind, the first person who crossed the finish lineof course is our idol, and the runway is still worked hard for the Olympic spirit, more worthy of our respect Chong, never give up, never admit defeat, the end of not really the end, sports is bound to break through the limits of humanity. 成亦英雄,败亦英雄。

你永远是我们心目中真正的英雄,第一个冲过终点的人当然是我们的偶像,而尚在跑道上为了奥林匹克精神奋力拼搏的,更值得我们敬崇、永不放弃,永不服输、终点并不是真正的终点,体育必将冲破人类的极限。Perhaps your failure is a shame, a hope dashed. Months of hard training and hopes go down the drain in a twinkling of an eye, make you depressed, sad, but tried to see if you worked hard for the moment. With tears in his eyes we do not think so, you are courageous, you are strong, you use your determination to complete your task. Proud to see the success or failure in life, we should start all over again, to feel proud of you.或许失败对于你来说是一种耻辱,是一种希望的破灭。



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