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02月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[两只蝴蝶英文版清晰版歌词]两只蝴蝶(英文版) 樊桐舟 Oh,my love You hold my hand make me feel the beauty of their world shining stars in your eyes tell me what love is really like like a bird...+阅读

先来一份中文的:厦门大学机电工程的 当得知自己获奖时,我不知道该如何陈述自己的内心,有一份感动,有一份兴奋,也有一份泪水。感谢的是学校给了自己成就梦想的舞台和机会;也感谢在求学阶段中遇上的好老师,他们毫不保留的教诲,让自己学到丰富的知识和许多为人处世的态度;也很感谢一路上遇到的同学、朋友们,能和你们一同切磋勉励,是件很快乐的事。

兴奋的是自己的刻苦学习而取得的荣誉,这份荣誉是学校和老师给予自己的小小肯定,我要不以此为终点,提醒自己在以后的学习中保持这种刻苦学习的精神,去取得更佳的学习成果。 不过我并不是完美的,在这里我并不想吹自己有多么聪明,在学习方面有都多么用功,上课是多么认真,大家都是人,一样的。澡堂里是认不出来谁是总统谁是乞丐的。



只有自主自立的学习,才能取得好成绩。 想到自己刚到学校时,遇到了好多好多的困难,但最终都得以一一解决,这份感动是我在外乡得到的第一份感动,感谢学校给了我这份温暖。今天的自己能获奖,不只有是自己的努力,而更该感谢的是我的父母和学习的各位老师,如果没有你们,就没有自己的今天。借这个机会,让自己给学校的老师献上最衷心的感谢,感谢你们在求学路上不断给我鼓励和教诲,我将会以自己的能力做出更优异的成绩,成为一名优秀的大学生。

再来一个2006富邦台大mba获奖感言: This is really a great honor for a student whom no one expected anything from to achieve this. I am so delighted that I still cannot believe I really can obtain this scholarship. At the moment I was told that I was selected, I just couldn't believe it since I was told the news on April fool's day. It seemed so unreal until the announcement came out. I want to tell all of you how important the Fubon-NTU English MBA Elite Scholarship means to me. It has always been my dream to enter NTU and vie with the best talents in Taiwan. Obtaining this award is even much farther beyond my imagination. My education was not smooth compared with my classmates because of my failure in high school entrance examination, so I attended junior college. There were times when I devalued myself, but, at least I was never under study performance pressure in NTCB(台北商专). There, I used to play sports every day, which makes me look healthy, and developed a great variety of interests and expertise except---- academic field. As a graduate from NTCB, I know a junior college degree is not highly valued. Hence I always work hard in NTU and NCCU because I know the chance to study in a great university is very valuable. I have a thirst of knowledge toward many courses which I never had any chance to learn in NTCB, and I treasure every opportunity to seek new knowledge. At times when I had doubts in myself, the teachers there encouraged me and guided me to who I become today. Especially Miss Chen in NTCB(北商陈增娟老师), she is the kindest teacher I have met and I just cannot find a way to express how grateful I am towards her. I am lucky that there are many elders and friends who also help me and provide suggestions whenever I need help. And I really did strive and spare no efforts to do everything in order not to let them down. Today, I am proud to stand here and I also want them to feel the same way. This affirmation is so important to me. And I will keep on fighting in my career and live up to all your expectations in order to be a pillar of society. How I got into the English MBA Program was a complicated story. After NTCB, I went through all the way from NCCU to NTU fortunately. There is an ETP (English Taught Program) in NCCU, where I built unbreakable bond with English, in my undergraduate life. My classmates told me that members of ETP are like the royals of NCCU College of Commerce and they've learned the courses in English since the freshman year. It sounded so challenging and exciting for me, and then I had taken the entrance exam though I was not quite confident in English. After series of tests and interviews,...


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