
一篇你为什么想参加反家暴活动的短文英文的 50字左右

02月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于美术的英文单词有那些]英文名称:painting 中文名称:绘画工艺品 英文名称:frame 中文名称:画框 英文名称:painted egg 中文名称:彩蛋画,蛋画 英文名称:traditional Chinese painting 中文名称:国画 英文名称...+阅读

Existing family believes that is based on feelings, on the basis of the relationship between husband and wife, husband and wife is not between you and me, you are my, I am you; your stuff is mine, and my stuff is yours. I think this is wrong, is harmful. The idea is simply naive to emotional problems, is the family, such as the root of the problem of domestic violence. We should rationally see that conjugal relations are built on the basis of the sexual and emotional needs; couples are not each other's appendages, but sexual partners borne jointly, emotional friend and training partner for their children. In addition to the three types of relationships, marriage does not have any other meaning. As for the specific content of these three kinds of relationships, I do not say. Like any other relationship between husband and wife relationship between any two people in the community. Husband beat his wife, just as if you had any other person to be subject to legal sanctions. So that domestic violence and social violence are illegal. We develop this new concept of the family and stipulated in the marriage law that domestic violence is bound to greatly reduce.



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