

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语单词辨析 way means manner method]way是一个比较普通的词,可以指一般的方法,有时也指个人的方法或方式或者是特殊的方式或方法。 eg.you should do it in this way. means是指为了达到某种目的或目标而采用的方...+阅读

1.the new drug not be put on the market--B--..(until).... 2.If was beacuse of his good performance ---C(that)...... 3.our companys vistors......... ----C(another).... 4.Accordong to the time table.......for---C(leaves)..... 5.Although she is only ..she looks like a ---D---(malare)..... 6.The proposal ---A-- (Being discussed)...... 7.When he palled her on the shoulder..she was --C---(that)...... 8.There is evidence B(that)..... 9.it is reasonable.....related D(to)..... 10.The weath forecast predicts B(persist) 填空 1.wadays electronics(pay) payment is a more..... 2.Most of the high school students who (interview) were interviewed yesterday believed. 3.It is important that he (be) be called back... 4.According to survey (conduct) conducted recently..... 5.If I were (be) you I will study hard 6.It is the (responsible) responsility of the Human..... 7.It was reported that the (injure) injured people.... 8.The bank refused (accept) to accept my..... 9.It cause a lot of (convenient) convenience....... 10.It is important to realize how (quick) puickly .......) |+ s0 f* P" m9 h- }8 X2 G% Z. \+ z0 \3 v4 T 阅读理解

(一) 1.We need to plam a head in erder to ---B---..... B . better organize our activitity 2.strategic(关键的)times are best for us to --C--) C. study effecienty) E+ w; V/ J0 U/ n5 q 3. Which of the follow could be used as motivation to do our ...? B.Any activities were best for us to C 4.taking a short…… 5. atudy……

(二) welcome to our small…… 1:this guide to __start a new small__ 2: what are most …… ___determition and origioly___ 3: what does ………… __ adrise before ___ 4: what kind of ………… _those with feuer______ 5: more infor…by…… _linking to other _____-

(三); how to urite come _print___your hame in large ①address 1: not to _personal information___ such to

(四) e现金价格 cash price e d销售合同 sales contract j达到港 port of arrival! N0 a供货合同 sapply agrrement h逾期付款 late payment p索赔通知 a lot of claim b贸易协定 trae agreement m信用证 letter of credit j固定价格 fixed price k即期装运 prompt shipment6 L- L4 X" [% ' x

(五) 1:what …… jam? _greet wall broond____ 2: what …… the contrat……? ___1000 cases*300__ 3…… be shipped __ august 2009_____ 4…… of papment ___terms of paymen_________ 5…… to be …… _vancouver ganada____________ 英汉互译 1:when exporting goods it is ………………in transit- n) A为促进货出口………… 2:if we do not ………………leg2 C如果本月我们还收不到订货…… 3:party B has the rigt to ……" 乙方有义务在下述情况下拒绝甲方的合同 4:i have alredy given intructon…… D我已作了解释,首先必须有工程师们愿意加班) 作文 介绍一个公司 给的词汇 complerely 完全的 lead to 导致 found 成立 employee 雇员 开头 this is to intro duce that……" 结尾 i am looking forward to hearing from you soon)


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