

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[哪儿有标点符号的用法口诀]标点符号用法歌诀 :为了便于掌握句号等11种容易出错的标点符号用法,据国家技术监督局1995年所颁《标点符号用法》 ,将其编成便于诵读与识记的歌诀。 内容一 折叠 一、句号 句号...+阅读

给你详细的牛津高阶辞典关于without解释,希望对你有所帮助! with∙out // prep. 1 not having, experiencing or showing sth 没有;缺乏 : They had gone two days without food. 他们两天没吃东西。 ◊ He found the place without difficulty. 他毫不费力地找到了那地方。 ◊ She spoke without much enthusiasm. 她说话冷冰冰的。 2 not in the company of sb 不和…在一起;无…相伴 : Don't go without me. 别甩下我就走。

3 not using or taking sth 不用;不拿;不带 : Can you see without your glasses? 你不戴眼镜能看见吗? ◊ Don't go out without your coat. 别不穿大衣就出去。 4 ~ (sb) doing sth not doing the action mentioned 不(做某事);无;没 : He left without saying goodbye. 他不辞而别。 ◊ The party was organized without her knowing anything about it. 聚会已操办妥当,她却一无所知。 ◊ You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. 你不可能不打破鸡蛋就做成煎蛋卷。

◊ Without wanting to criticize, I think you could have done better. (= used before you make a critical comment) 我不是想要批评谁,只是认为你本可以做得更好一些。 with∙out // prep. 1 not having, experiencing or showing sth 没有;缺乏 : They had gone two days without food. 他们两天没吃东西。 ◊ He found the place without difficulty. 他毫不费力地找到了那地方。 ◊ She spoke without much enthusiasm. 她说话冷冰冰的。

2 not in the company of sb 不和…在一起;无…相伴 : Don't go without me. 别甩下我就走。 3 not using or taking sth 不用;不拿;不带 : Can you see without your glasses? 你不戴眼镜能看见吗? ◊ Don't go out without your coat. 别不穿大衣就出去。 4 ~ (sb) doing sth not doing the action mentioned 不(做某事);无;没 : He left without saying goodbye. 他不辞而别。 ◊ The party was organized without her knowing anything about it. 聚会已操办妥当,她却一无所知。

◊ You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. 你不可能不打破鸡蛋就做成煎蛋卷。 ◊ Without wanting to criticize, I think you could have done better. (= used before you make a critical comment) 我不是想要批评谁,只是认为你本可以做得更好一些。 with∙out // prep. 1 not having, experiencing or showing sth 没有;缺乏 : They had gone two days without food. 他们两天没吃东西。 ◊ He found the place without difficulty. 他毫不费力地找到了那地方。

◊ She spoke without much enthusiasm. 她说话冷冰冰的。 2 not in the company of sb 不和…在一起;无…相伴 : Don't go without me. 别甩下我就走。 3 not using or taking sth 不用;不拿;不带 : Can you see without your glasses? 你不戴眼镜能看见吗? ◊ Don't go out without your coat. 别不穿大衣就出去。 4 ~ (sb) doing sth not doing the action mentioned 不(做某事);无;没 : He left without saying goodbye. 他不辞而别。

◊ The party was organized without her knowing anything about it. 聚会已操办妥当,她却一无所知。 ◊ You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. 你不可能不打破鸡蛋就做成煎蛋卷。 ◊ Without wanting to criticize, I think you could have done better. (= used before you make a critical comment) 我不是想要批评谁,只是认为你本可以做得更好一些。


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