

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求托福高分作文或范文要有点评]下面给出按各评分标准的范文,仅供参考。 题目:Some intensive English programs in the United States offer a foreign student the option of living with an American fami...+阅读

How to Make My Hometown More Appealing to People of My Age(注意of) My hometown is a beautiful city with comparably(comparatively) advanced economy and well-developed living environment. But there is still something that could be improved to make it more appealing to youngsters (of) my age-around 20 What is more attractive for the young may not be carnies or pleasure grounds but galleries, exhibitions and various museums on arts, history, science and technology, and nature. However, most tickets of these places in my city are unfortunately expensive, making it impossible to visit frequently. Moreover, many facilities and exhibits are not kept in good condition, and some are too out-of-date, which have (made it) lose appeal to modern people. If my hometown could lower the ticket price or just make it free for the young, we would have numerous places to spend our leisure time in while learning a lot. And if those old museums could be renewed and expanded, they would get much more visitors and attention. Another recreational activity (popular放在这里比较连贯) amongst the young is (doing去掉) sports. Many girls and boys (of) my age like exercising a lot. But there is a lack of gyms and facilities in my city. Most good gyms belong to schools and are occupied by students and athletic teams. During vocations they are not open , which makes us have difficulty in finding a place to exercise with most free grounds (being可以去掉) in poor condition. If our city could build more gyms and construct better facilities, it would not only benefit us but also contribute to the health of all citizens, because it makes people easier and more willing to do exercises and keep fit. Since many people (of) my age are students, the scarcity of libraries is very severe in my hometown. With most good and big libraries being in suburban areas and urban libraries being in poor condition, it is quite inconvenient for us to borrow books and search for academic references. If my hometown could rebuild those old ones or improve the transportation system providing an easier 改的主要是些语法上的问题 最后一句没写完 楼主请根据自己的意思补充吧


求助液相含量方法学确认的具体方法最好有案例分析!求指教估计你是要确认高效液相检测你所需检测物质其方法的可行性。 一般来说除了对物质检测确认,还需要对液相进行仪器确认,所以要测量其专属性、检测限及定量限、准确度、精密度、...

托福口语范文:独自旅行和家人旅行你喜欢哪一种Sometimes the best travel companion you can have is yourself. I've learned that solo travel can be totally liberating and completely rewarding in a way few othe...

文献综述离得摘要写些什么有没有什么模板啊求高人指教文献综述是对某一方面的专题搜集大量情报资料后经综合分析而写成的一种学术论文, 它是科学文献的一种。 格式与写法 文献综述的格式与一般研究性论文的格式有所不同。这是因...

中医专业大学排名。急用啊。希望高人指教啊。。你好,这个排名大概是这样的: 1.最好的是北京中医药大学,这是公认的。 2.接下来上海中医药大学 广州中医药大学 南京中医药大学,成都中医药大学也是老牌的,很好。 3.前5名大学就这...

如何备考2017年初级会计职称考试请有经验的指教下谢1、目标。制定一个好的学习目标,能使你集中精力有计划、有针对性地进学习。 2、初步评估。评估的方法有多种,如浏览标题、如游览问题、找一套模拟题或去年的考试题进行自测,等...

托福作文马上就要考了高分求改篇作文谢谢!第二行最好是the less time we enjoy ourselves 和前面的句式保持一致,如果这里改了,后面leisure time也应做相应的修改保证逻辑性previous个人感觉在这里做重要不太合适第二...

请大家给我的托福作文评分指点一下谢谢托福是很久以前考的,大部分要求都忘了,不过我可以给你几点意见。 1.你的观点为什么不一上来就表达清楚呢?在美国,所有人都喜欢一句话,Time is money,没有人表达意思会绕弯弯,美国...

托福作文 people can learn more from books than from TVSWith the astonishing development of technology, television plays a significant role in people's daily life. There are some people argue that television maybe ha...

房地产新手销售入门急小弟刚入门不懂还请前辈多多指教1,多看,多领悟;多看,多领悟房地产方面的知识; 2,多踩楼盘,多了解别人的楼盘信息; 3,多沟通,多和同事领导及其他楼盘的售楼人员沟通发现自己知识不全及领悟不透彻的地方。 4,多看多练习...
