
求野人花园 I know I love you中英对照歌词

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com


野人花园 Maybe it's intuition 或许,这只是直觉 But some things you just don't question 但是你却不闻不问。 Like in your eyes 就象在你眼中 I see my future in an instant 我看到了我的未来 And there it goes 时光如斯—— I think I've found my best friend 我已经觅到了我最好的朋友 I know that it might sound more than a little crazy 听上去这可能有点疯狂 But I believe 但是我相信—— I knew I loved you before I met you 我知道在我们相遇前我已经爱上你 I think I dreamed you into life 我觉得与你相伴,如醉如梦 I knew I loved you before I met you 我知道在我们相遇前我已经爱上你 I have been waiting all my life 我已经等了整整一生 There's just no rhyme or reason 没有浪漫,没有原因 Only this sense of completion 只有这一种完满的感觉 And in your eyes 在你的眼中 I see the missing pieces 相思化成千万碎片 I'm searching for 我在寻找着你 I think I've found my way home 我找到了回家了路 I know that it might sound more than a little crazy 这听上去有一点疯狂 But I believe 但是我相信 I knew I loved you before I met you I think I dreamed you into life I knew I loved you before I met you I have been waiting all my life A thousand angels dance around you 千只天使飞舞在你身旁 I am complete now that I've found you 找到你,我才是完整的 I knew I loved you before I met you I think I dreamed you into life I knew I loved you before I met you


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