

02月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[仁兄仁姐我急需一份人教版小学四年级英语新版上册教案]教学步骤与建议 1 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) (1)大家一起唱Where are you from? (2)表演第2课所学对话。 (3)教师准备小盒子,盒子里装有写着国家或地区名的卡片,学生抽签扮演...+阅读


The traditional Chinese New Year came. It was time again for reunion and pleasure.

On that day I returned to my hometown. In the morning, my cousins took me to ski. My skiing skill wasn't good, so I fell down 15 times. They laughed at me, and I couldn't help smiling too. In the afternoon, we went shopping. In the evening, we had a big delicious meal first, and then we set off fireworks. The children were waving the glow sticks nearby. That was so beautiful! It looked like the stars pouring down in the sky. At the end, it was time to sleep. We were very excited and happy.

What a wonderful festival!



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