

02月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[有关计算机的英文基本单词和缩写]PC:个人计算机Personal Computer ·CPU:中央处理器Central Processing Unit ·CPU Fan:中央处理器的“散热器”(Fan) ·MB:主机板MotherBoard ·RAM:内存Random Access Memory,以PC-...+阅读

[Scene 1] Teacher: To be honest, do you smoke? Boys a: not to breathe. Teacher: Do not smoke? Ah, eat the root fries bar. a very natural way out sandwiched two fingers to take over the ... ... Teacher: Do not smoke? ! Called the parents to ... ... [Scene 2] Teacher: smoke? Boys and b: do not smoke. Teacher: Do not smoke? Ah, eat the root fries bar. b due to hear a case, so be very careful to use the palm to take over the French fries. Teacher: Do not dipped in ketchup? b accidentally dip more, then immediately bounced shells with your fingers ... ... Teacher: The posture is very skilled bomb Well soot. Called the parents to ... ... [Scene 3] Teacher: smoke? Boys c: do not smoke. Teacher: Do not smoke, good, eat the root fries bar. c due to the previous two examples very carefully sweating finished French fries. Teacher: do not give students with roots go back? c took over after the dig on potato chips caught in the ear ... ... Teacher: Do not smoke? ? ? Called the parents to ... ... [Scene 4] Teacher: smoke? Boys d: do not smoke. Teacher: Very good, eat the root fries bar. d frightened to eat the fries. Teacher: do not give students with roots go back? d then carefully coat the fries into the bag. The teacher suddenly shouted: Headmaster come! d rushed out of his pocket fries thrown on the ground, their feet energetically to step on ... ... Teacher: Do not smoke? ! Called the parents to ... ... Hope localized color(希望本土化色彩)


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有关错别字的笑话最低0.27元/天开通文库会员,可在文库查看完整内容> 原发布者:上官樱雪4 错别字笑话很“行”有一个外国人,在中国待了一段时间,自以为汉语不错,一天,他没有带翻译就一个人逛街,逛了...

有关汉字的谐音笑话急求!最佳答案小明给舅舅写信: 亲爱的老 。(舅字不会写,画了个圈。) 听说您生了 ,(病字不会写画了圈。) 希望您能好好养 。(病字还是不会写,又画了圈。) 读出来是: 亲爱的老蛋。听说您生了蛋...



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