

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[三维设计选修7英语答案]选择题 1.—What your father ? —He is a driver. A.do, does B.does, do C.do, do 答案: B 2.I a brother. He tall. A.have, has B.has, is C.have, is 答案:C 填空 1He di...+阅读


1-5 DDAAD 6-10 CBBDC 11-15 CDBDB

16-20 DABBC 21-25 CABBC 26-30 BACCD

31-35 BCADD

36. invent 37. geography 38. hero 39. spoon 40. camel

41. covered 42. dangerous 43. twentieth 44. stand out 45. Pollution

46. They made all the kites by hand

47. Did you throw away the rubbish

48. Don't park your car by the sidewalk

49. How long have they been abroad

50. She said she had finished the work

51-55 DABEC

56. twentieth 57. happy 58. sending 59. funny 60. cut

61. interesting 62. named 63. really 64. reading 65. hear

66-70 DGABE

One possible version:

Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet

In the modern world, the Internet has come into our life. Lots of students use the Internet as a tool for their studies. They look up the meanings of new words and learn history or geography on the Internet. They also use the Internet to read news or send e-mails.

But every coin has two sides. Some students spend too much time playing online games and chatting with friends. They are not interested in their studies. At the same time, they become weaker and weaker in body.

In a word, the Internet brings us not only a lot of convenience but also troubles. As students, we should make good use of the Internet.


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