

02月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[就差一分钟]场景:车站检票口检票员手持话筒喊:“0000次列车马上就要开车了,请旅客抓紧时间检票上车”(重复3次后看了看时间):“还有10秒,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,”(关上了检票的门准备上锁) 男中年拉着女中年急...+阅读

A: How to maintain a long distance relationship between lovers?

B: First of all, the lovers should believe in each other and understand each other.

Then they should get into a habit belong to themselves and accept each other's disadvantages.

A: Do you want to find a Gf or Bf in the university? (Why or why not?)

B: Yes of course.Because love have magic engergy, we can help and learn each other both in studying and daily life.

A: What's your eating habit? How to keep a balanced diet?

B: I am from Shandong, I prefer to eat steambread , noodles and dumpling. Now I used to

all kinds of flaver's food.

To keep a balanced diet, first of all, you need to eat your three meals on time and never eat too much; then you need to have more vegetable and fruits; third don't have too much wine, it's bad for your healthy.

A: Which festival do you like the most and how do you usually celebrate it?

I like Spring Festival the best. I go back to my hometown and meet some friends, classmates. Usually we get together to talk about main effort about the last year ,the plan about next year, some interesting things in our childhood and something whatever we want. Of course we will have lot's of wine ,because we have few chance to get together, maybe one year a time at the most.


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