

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[假如生活欺骗了你经典台词]假如生活欺骗了你经典台词 1、如果这个世界上有两个人相信你能成功,一个是你一个就是我。 2、这高材生写字就是漂亮。 3、好他大爷的二舅是他二舅抱养的,那这个大爷是谁的大爷...+阅读

yesterday. Our class teachers and students to carry out environmental campaigns Star Park. The teacher divided us into two groups, the first group for publicity, the second set of garbage, the layout of the task, we split up open. Some students passers promote the importance of environmental protection, allowing people to increase awareness of environmental protection, actively involved in environmental protection activities, to protect our living environment, improve our living space; some students so that passers-fill "green Knowledge Questionnaire" survey people on environmental protection knowledge level of understanding; passers-by to send some students to promote environmental awareness in an open letter to the people around them publicity, snowball so that more people grasp environmental knowledge. The exercise of my campaign, I also learned a lot of knowledge, we have this large class society a vivid lesson.



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