

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[请帮我翻译古文]我觉得应该与下一句合在一起翻译 已有译文:对于小心谨慎的人,要从尚未"收拾入门"的时候去看他,这样就可以发现 ,他愈是小心谨慎 ,他的举动就愈是不精细,欠周密,总好像漫不经心,这种精...+阅读

please give some ideas how to study english? Firstly,you have to make yourself intrested in studing it,since the interest is the motivation to learn. Secondly,you have to spend enough time on it.Learning is a time-consume activity. Thirdly, you have to creat a suitable environment to learn,eg.learning with your friends ,so that you can talk with each other in English.In this way you can improve your listening and oral English. The last but not least,you have to persist in learning,otherwise all the efforts you made are useless.


雅思口语中关于几个话题的范文机经背诵分别是 agriculture我也来贡献一些:version 01 old persondescribe an old man influenced you1.who was he2.when did you know him3.what he didand explain why he influeced you part31.老...

雅思口语话题part1 part2范文雅思口语话题很多,尤其是part 2,在这里给范文也不可能该太多。下面给您part 1中Family的范文 口语Part1范文:FAMILY a) GENERAL 31. Could you tell me something about your f...

雅思口语都需要准备哪些话题???哪里有范文?08年9月新话题卡: Describe a famous person you would like to meet. You should say: • who this person is • where you first saw him or her • how/why this person i...

求2010年雅思口语Part2最新话题范文part2新话题有: place you visited with a lot of noise, 什么地方,在哪里,为什么有噪音,你的感觉 a person who speaks a foreign language.who he/she is how you know him/her...


雅思口语第二部分话题范文我也来贡献一些:version 01 old person describe an old man influenced you1.who was he2.when did you know him3.what he did and explain why he influeced you part31....

初三化学原子的构成这课中主要应该掌握哪些知识请帮我写出来爱◆教学设计思路 在教学过程中,教师应尽可能地利用多媒体课件、录像或动画片来进行教学,边看边讲述,并不断地创设出一个个问题情境,让学生带着问题观看录像、阅读课文、思考讨论,...

请帮我翻译一下这首诗译文: 踏过江水去采莲花,到兰草生长的沼泽地采兰花。 采了花要送给谁呢 想要送给那远在故乡的爱妻。 回想起故乡的爱妻,却又长路漫漫遥望无边无际。 飘流异乡两地相思,怀念爱妻...

求大神帮我写两段两分钟的英语对话急口语考试A: Hi, Tom. what did you do last Sunday? B: Oh. I went to the Great Wall. A: Who did you go with? B: My parent. A: Did you have fun? B: Yes, though there were m...
