

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[课堂用语英文的越全越好多谢!]All right!that was the bell,Let's get going.好,上课铃响了,我们开始上课. First,I will civer a few basics,and then we'll do a quickie lesson首先我会讲解一些基础知识...+阅读

Could you try out the clothes to see if they fit?

Let us give you another one to try on.

We could get it tailored/taken in for you.

Please return this form to the Human Resources Department.

Wash the shirts every other day. / The shirts need to be washed every other day.


求一些英语的日常用语带翻译最好能告诉我你具体需要哪方面的英语用语,比如问路,购物,旅游等等。先给你一些参考的 1. Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到您! 2. How are you! 最近怎样! 3. Long time no see! 好久不...

求开始结束对话的英文礼貌用语初会 常见表达:How do you do?/Hello!/I'm glad to see you. /Nice to meet you. 用法点津:a.回应时,只要重复一下对方所说的问候语即可。b.同样是初会问候语,How do you do?和I'...

急需超市英文用语超市Welcome to our supermarketMay I help you with something ? There is a total of xx yuan.Hope you will visit us again.If you think any improvement method, plea...

帮用英语我翻译一下超市用语hello welcome to da run fa supermarket.what can i do for you? Excuse me,do you have a membership card ? DO you need a bag? It take 30 cent for a large bag and 2...

会计用语英语单词麻烦翻译下别用翻译机谢谢啦raw materials 原材料account payable 应付账款work in process 在建项目manufacturing overhead 制造费用sales commissions expense 销售佣金支出administrative salaries...

万圣节英文用语有那些1.Trick or tread 不招待,就使坏。 2. The child screamed when it confronted the man in the halloween costume. 当面对那个穿万圣节服装的人时孩子尖叫起来。 3. Older b...

英文礼貌用语求10个Hello! Hi!是"你好!",见面问好常用到。 Goodbye!是"再见!",Good night!道"晚安!"。 同学多日不见面,相见问好"How are you?"。 答语常用"I'm fine. Thank you."。 初次认识新朋友,握手问好"Glad t...

外贸英语翻译尽量使用外贸专业用语谢谢!1. this order form items buys the cargo to in the port of destination after China Commodity inspection Bureau examination. 2. main provisions have the free from...

有谁能给我一些英文的礼貌用语??Can you pass me...? vs Give me... 人们不喜欢别人支配他们去做事情,因此有时想直接得到你想要的可不是那么简单。换掉那些听起来是命令的语句,例如"Give me the newspaper",而...
