

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[环境保护检测三句半台词]演员四人:甲 乙 丙 丁 甲(锣)、乙(小鼓)、丙(镲)、丁(快板或三角铁) 甲、乙、丙、丁按顺序上台,带动作,站好后开始 甲 乙 丙 丁 锣鼓叮咚敲起来,喜迎新年乐开怀,我们四人台上站,说段 三句...+阅读

Protect Our Environment

It is important to beal with the rubbish in cities.

Our world was colorful,beautiful and full of life. But these years, people have built many factories along rivers. Many trees have been cut down. Many animals have lost their homes. Factories cause pollution. Rivers become polluted.

As a student, you should do every things in your everyday life to protect them.

First, stop wasting more water.

Second, throw waste things into different dustbins. For example, waste paper should be throw into paper recyclable bins.

Third, stop cutting down trees. Instead, plant more. Fourth, pick up garbage in the park or on the road when we are free.

Last, call on more and more people to pay attention to contrlling pollution. In a word, everybody has his duty to protect the world.



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