
Do you know International Day Of Families国际家庭日

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[学霸们!雅思口语!用英语回答四五句话 what kind of toys do children]today,various toys are full of market.in my view,toys that can well arouse childrens' intelligence and enthusiasm are most welcomed by children.for instance,rec...+阅读

1对。It's on May 15th and it's a day for all the families.

2错。I know my father likes chicken and hamburgers, so I make (做) a very delicious (美味的) chicken hamburger for him.

3对。My sister, Julie, is a lovely girl, but she is a little fat. So I make fruit salad for her.

4错。I also want to say “I love you!” to all of them.

5对。Tell your parents how much you love them on May 15th. Have a family trip or make a meal for them. I'm sure they will be very happy.


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