

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[培养英文怎么说]foster。 音标:英 [ˈfɒstə(r)] 、美 [ˈfɑːstər] 释义: 1、v.促进;助长;培养;鼓励;代养,抚育,照料(他人子女一段时间) He manoeuvres to foster recovery. 他采取手段促进复苏。 2...+阅读

I have National Holidays.


Protect our Nature

Thesis: it is our duty to protect the nature we are living in.


A. In the past, the world was the home for many species, but most of which had disappeared.

B. Right now we are still doing many terrible things to damage the nature.

1. in order to improve our economy, we are polluting the rivers.

2. in order to meet our diet, we are killing some rare animals.

3. in order to gain monopoly, we are having wars, even nuclear wars.

C. Right now we have a lot of damages on the earth.

1. o-zone is getting big

2. the world is heatting up

Conclusion: we need to protect our nature for us and for our generations to come.



收钱的英文怎么说收钱的英文是 collect money ,其中: collect 英 [kə'lekt] 美 [kə'lɛkt] vt. 收集;募捐 vi. 收集;聚集;募捐 adv. 由收件人付款地 adj. 由收件人付款的 n. (Collect)人名;(英)科...

爸爸英文怎么说dad 英 [dæd] 美 [dæd] n. 爸爸;爹爹 n. (Dad)人名;(孟、巴基、阿富)达德;(泰)达 短语 Dad Shoes 老爹鞋 ; 爸爸鞋 Hockey Dad 爸爸与曲棍球 Dear dad 好爸爸 ; 亲爱的爸爸 扩展资...

游泳圈英文怎么说“游泳圈”英文是swim ring 网络释义 游泳圈:swim ring 、Swimming ring 、flotador 双语例句: 1. Do you have any inflatable swim ring for pregnant woman? 请问有没有孕...

希望怎么说英文希望: 1. to wish for 2. to desire 3. to hope 其它相关解释: <hope> <esperance> <mayhap> <hopes> <hope for> <prospect> <pleasure> <wish> <want> <wish to goodness> <...

希望用英文怎么说希望的英语翻译是hope。 词汇分析音标:英 [həʊp] 美 [hop] 释义: nn. 希望;期望;信心 vt. 希望;期望 vi. 希望;期待;信赖 短语Hope Floats 真爱告白 ; 希望浮现 ; 真情告白电影原声...

离职证明英文怎么说Demission certificate=离职证明 下面一篇英文版离职证明你可以参考: Demission certificate This is to certify that the former employee ______ , (Identity card: _____...

宣传用英文怎么说宣传: publicize Relative explainations: <propagandize> <give publicity to> <propagandism> <propaganda> <flack> <propagand> <publicity> <presell> <drumbeating> <d...


状态英文怎么说状态 状态[zhuàng tài] 词典 state; status; condition; state of affairs; estate 内战和饥荒使该国陷入了无政府状态。 Civil war and famine sent the nation plunging...
