

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[举例子的句子]举例子的句子 1、早在4000年前的远古蛮荒时代,神州洪水泛滥,民不聊生。尧帝命大臣鲧治水,鲧以掩堵拦截之法治之,结果失败被斩。鲧死后,其子禹继承父志。但他总结父辈经验教训,一反...+阅读

建议信是对收信人就某一问题提出建议和忠告。建议信有可能写给某个组织或机构,就改进其服务质量提出建议或忠告:也可能是写给个人,就其人生的某个重大决定提出自己的建议。 内容要点: + 写信的目的以及所谈事情的简介,包括背景、现状、存在的问题和可能的发展; + 提出建议的原因; + 建议的内容; + 客气话或感谢注意事项:+ 语气要诚恳,有礼貌; + 建议内容要具体; + 可提供不止一个解决方案供选择或一个问题的不同方面提出建议。

建议信-范例:Dear Sir or Madam, As someone who has travelled throughout Asia on business and holiday I would like to give my opinion on its environmental impact. Having visited Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia I understand that tourism can bring money to developing countries. However, this money often goes into the pockets of foreign investors, and only rarely benefits local people. Multinational hotel chains also have little regard for the surrounding wildlife when they build new resorts. This can cause many problems. In view of these facts we, as tourists, can directly affect these countries in a positive way if we are thoughtful. When we visit these countries we can visit restaurants, bars and even hotels that are owned by local people. In addition, we can refuse to give Iuxury resorts our patronage and therefore prevent them from becoming even larger. Most importantly we should check that any tours or excursions we take have minimal effect on the natural surroundings. Finally, we can even attempt to change the behaviour of other tourists by sharing our opinions. If we follow these simple steps we can be sure that our pleasure is not causing any harm to people or places that we visit. Sincerely yours 建议信-开头段常用句子:* I am writing to express my views concerning… * I would like to suggest that… * I am writing in reply to … * I am writing with my suggestion about… * May I suggest that… * In my opinion, I would say…建议信-结尾段常用句子:* I would be more happy to see improvements in this regard. * I would be ready to discuss this matter to further details. * I trust you will take my suggestion into account. * I hope you will find these suggestions/proposals/recommendations are helpful/practical/useful/beneficial. 建议信常用词汇:arrange concern condition consider for the sake of improve in my opinion matter out of the question prevent propose regard schedule suggest unsatisfactory



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