

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[帮我翻译成中文]Y:对不起,这是你的书吗? 谢:谢谢你这么多。 杨:你是受欢迎的。你是新承认? 谢:是的。我们昨天刚登记。我的名字是肖玲。认识你很高兴。这是我最好的高中朋友兰兰。 杨:我的名字是雅...+阅读

前台接待:receptionist 饭店管理:Hotel management 旅游学院(职高):Tour College 接受客人电话预订:undertake the reservation call from the customers。 办理入住手续:Transact the formality of living 与饭店各部门保持联系协调沟通: keep in touch with every department of the hotel 销售客房: promote the sales of rooms。 推销酒店产品:sales promotion of the hotel products。 接待门市客人:entertain the customers 介绍推销旅游产品:introduce and promote the tour products 建立客户资料提供市场调查:establish the customer data and provide the survey 其他工作: and other jobs related 。


帮我把一段有关幸运数字的短文翻译英文Figures as well as lucky colors can bring luck to someone in some aspects,and often referred to as lucky numbers. Since the number comes into being, it is close...

请帮我翻译英文的谢谢了1 love is fate, love is touched, love is customary, love is tolerance, love is, love is understanding, sincere love is a lifelong commitment. Love is a happy, s...

请帮我把中文摘要翻译英文财务管理方面的oint-stock enterprises call for the development of new management model, the papers offered to financial management tools to enhance the country's joint-stock e...

翻译英文收入证明This is to certify that Mr. XX Wang, male, born in XX of XXXX, has been the general manager of XX real estate development company from Feb 1999 up to now, with...

小人物翻译英文1、zilch 零,没有;微不足道的事物(或人), 小人物 2、worm 可翻成蠕虫 也可释意为小人物 比如:You miserable worm.(你这个可怜虫) 3、Jack-a-Lent 小玩偶, 小人物 4、pipsqueak 矮小...

你知道吗?翻译成英语你知道吗? (1) Do you have an idea (2) Do you know ? (3) Do you have knoweldge of sth (4) Have you been told ? (5) Have you been informed ? (6) Have you been awar...

中文谚语翻译英文1 things 2 example is better than precept Three wise, pound foolish Four days a silver lining 5 a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit 6 do in Rome as the Roma...

不要逐字翻译内容详尽翻译英文!急My name is Lihai, I'm a middle school student. Our school will hold a charity performance in the hall on Nov. 20th, and donate for the "hope project". This is aim...

中文古诗翻译英文古诗《春晓》春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。spring morningno aware of the spring moring,I hear birds singing everywhere,how many flowers have withered,i...
