

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[出现用英语怎么说]简明汉英词典 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 出现 [chūxiàn] appear appearance come forth emergence present it...+阅读

英语翻译:till forever


1、I hope you'll stick around till the end.


2、I think they will be there till the end of the world as we know it.


3、My love, it will glorify my life most to serve you faithfully till the end of time!


4、And so I said that the nations of the world will never cease from trouble until either the true breed of philosophers shall come to political office or until that of the rulers shall, by some divine law, " take the pursuit of philosophy."


5、So again, if we think of a graph of the wave function, we had the wave function is at its highest amplitude when it's lined up with the nucleus, and then as we got further away from the nucleus, the amplitude of the wave function ends up tapering off until it never hits zero exactly, but it goes down very low。



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