

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[公司业务员庆祝建国60周年征文]一起走过的岁月 六十年的峥嵘岁月,如春风,吹开了幸福的生活,吹来了富裕的果实。建国以来,党中央以民为本,革故鼎新,普惠百姓,春风化雨,使社会安定,物阜民康。时光荏苒,全国各地在这60...+阅读

since the new year is coming, i would like to invit you to spend the new year's day in china. there're many different traditions in china that you can enjoy. on the other hand, you can make many new friends in china. in china, we usually wear new clothes and get together on new year's eve. it is a time for us to celebrate the new year with our families. many famous chinese dishes such as dumplings are served at this time


公司周年庆典邀请函篇一:公司周年庆典邀请函范文 尊敬的:您好!时光荏苒,岁月峥嵘。2010年11月,XX公司将走过五周年的难忘历程,在此,我们谨向长期以来关心、支持公司建设发展的各级领导、各界朋友致以...

周年庆活动邀请函英文周年庆活动邀请函英文范文【一】 To: Dear Mr. ___ / madam, how do you do? Thank you very much for reading this invitation. The first is spring, the bow is autumn!...

如何写邀请函我公司要进行建设工程竣工验收邀请相关单位参加工尊敬的各相关单位: 花季四月,在这美丽的季节;***公司圆满完成了****工程的建设工作;为这美丽的四月添加了一道亮丽的风景。为答谢有关部门和相关单位长期以来对本项目工程的支持...

英文写一个关于周年庆典的邀请函Dear Sir or Madam, We would like to invite you to attend the Students' Association Anniversary Party,which is going to be held at the Students' Club at 7:00 in...

求一篇庆祝闽江学院十周年的英文邀请函英文A special party to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of Mingjiang College/University will be held on February 10, at 4pm in the dining hall. Al1 cu...

如何写英文邀请函Dear Mr. Smith: Our company will hold a party to celebrate our fifth ceremony of developing the business in Chinese market. We are glad to take honor to invite...

写一份国外公司英文邀请我公司的邀请函不知道你想写的内容是什么 给你找了个 按这个格式写就可以了 TO ********* Dear Sir or Madam: We are very pleased to invite Mr. *** come to our factory for visiting...

客户公司一周年庆请教各位高手英文贺词如何写汉语: 有针有线未必能织出绚丽梦想 有你有我一定能铸就商界辉煌 愿贵公司傲立商海,永远最强 ----------- 译: Needle and thread is unlikely to weave the brilliant dream, Y...

我想知道如何写英文邀请函How to Write an Invitation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your invitation sets the tone for your party'take ti...
