

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急求一篇2 3分钟左右的初一英语朗诵文章]A lesson of life 生活的一课 “everything happens for the best,”my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. "If you can carry on, one day something good will...+阅读

Nowadays, job-hopping has been a prevalent phenomenon. People who changes job frequently for they are not satisfied with the present situation, including the salary, the welfare, individual developing space, the developing direction, work relations with the boss and so on. How to balance the pros and cons of job-hopping? It should be taken into account roundly. People who change jobs frequently believe it will bring more space for development. They may find a better environment, salary or welfare. They also could know more friends and learn new techniques which may good for individual ability. They hold the idea that they would find a best job for themselves at last in constantly switching. Otherwise, some people think that too frequent switching will not help the development of the individual. In the first place, they may need more time to adapt new environment. In the second place, they couldn't learn the technique expertly because of frequent switching. In addition, managers may not enjoy employees who can't work for them steadfastly. So people should take pains to resolve their unsatisfactory affairs by hard work but not job-hopping. In my opinion, no one can find a company which satisfies individual condition completely. People should change themselves for the company but not just choose the company which adapts them. One should cherish the opportunity if he finds a job comparatively appropriate for him. People should be flexible and hold opportunity decidedly, but they must have deep consideration before.


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