

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[请帮忙将这段英文翻译成中文]我们谈到500平方米的高级仓库。价格是每月50,000人民币。由于财务部和大老板锁定价格,所以价格无法降低,是最终价格。 因为该仓库只有一个发电机组,所以我们无法把它分为两种不...+阅读

Dear sir or madam

It's my great honor that you can read my cover letter.And I admire you very much.

I'm an electrical testing staff of the J300 2.0. I want to change my job to work in the maintenance of equipment department.there are some reasons.First of all,My main major is Electromechanical integration,and i have owned the work experience of the testing computer circuit for 2 years.Secendly I have great manipulative ability.Thirdly I learn and grasp a new technology and techniques quickly.Last one, in past work I have continually studied from other maintenance personnel.So I hope you can agree.In the new department I will work hard continually,and make more contributions for this company.


your faithful employee:


Feb 18,2011



中文翻译成英文送20点谢谢有问题在百度留言给我亲爱的Dear golf and mike: 你好,我是你hong kong fans,我的名字叫na na shang ,今年19岁,现在是个学生,^-^Hi, This is your HK fans named Na Na Shang. I am 19ys old and a st...

很简单的中文翻译英文求高手解答将下面的东西翻译成英文,谢谢了。 (下面2句中必须要用到 take time to do sth) 1.昨天的赛事我们在一起谈论了一小时。It took us an hour to talk about the game yesterday....

请帮忙翻译一下外贸报价条款英文Your quoted prices shall be in US Dollars (USD). 你方应采用美元报价。If you request a clause to reduce the potential impact of exchange rate changes during the...


高手帮忙翻译一段日文!谢谢!正社员(正规社员 正职员 正规职员等) *企业等の组织において期间に定めのない労働契约のもとで中核的な业务を行います。 *定年までの长期的雇用関系が前提となること、企业内...

英文版收入证明翻译请高手帮忙Income Certificate This is to certify that Mr. --- has been working in the ----- for 2 years from -- to present. Currently, -- works as the general director. Mr...

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请高手帮忙翻译一些电子商务英语常用句谢谢1.Hello, thank you very much for buying our productions. i would appreciate if you give your ID which you used for buying our productions or your email address,...

帮忙在职证明翻译成英文谢谢Certificate of EmploymentThis serves to certify that Ms XXXX is in the employ of our company since May 1, 2006. She is currently holding the post of Business Su...
