
以饺子为话题写一篇英语短文 60字

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[以失败为话题写一篇议论文]你好!!! 人生中有成功就有失败。古今中外,大多数成功者都经历过失败,可贵的是他们的勇气。马克.吐温经商失意,弃商从文,结果一举成名。 失败是一道菜,一道难以下咽的苦菜,但你要把它...+阅读

Dumpling(also called"jiaozi"in Chinese) is a kind of traditional

Chinese food,it's originated from northern China in the ancient time.commonly,

the Jiaozi is filling with minced meat( pork,beef,mutton and so on) and chopped

vegetables(such as leek,selery)as it's stuffing, and wrapped into a piece of

douch,finally, cook it in boiling water.take vinegar and soy sauce as season

food when serving.



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