

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Hit the Road 上路 So, to hit the road means to leave. So, "I'm going to hit the road now," I'm going to go on the highway and then leave. “hit the road”表示离开。所以我要上路了,就是我要离开了。 One For the Road 临走前再…… For example, maybe you are eating cookies at somebody's house, and you want to grab one to take on the road, so you say like "Ok,I'll take one for the road." 比如你在别人家吃饼干,临走前你想再吃一个,你就可以说“吃完这个我就上路。

” Wanderlust 旅游欲 A wonderlust is like an inexplicable desire to travel, to hit the road, to go on your journey and explore. 旅游欲是指想去旅行,周游探索的欲望。 Off the Beaten Path 与众不同的探险 Off the beaten path means to explore places that aren't really on an established pattern that people normally go to. Off the Beaten Path 表示以不同寻常的方式去探索某处。 Itchy Feet 脚痒 Itchy feet is when your feet itch, not literally, but when you really, really want to leave and go travel. “Itchy Feet”字面意思是脚痒,但是真正的意思是你想去出去走走,旅游。

So, to finish, let's go through a couple of expressions that you say to people when they're leaving on a trip. 接下来,我们来看一看对即将旅行的人可以使用的表达。 Happy Trails 旅途快乐 Happy trails. This is just, I hope your trails, or your path, is happy, is successful. “Happy Trails”就是表示我希望你旅途愉快。 Godspeed 祝你一路顺风 The next one, which is a little bit more grandiose, is godspeed. Godspeed is more like when you're about to set off, or to leave on an adventure, you say to that person "Godspeed!" 这个表达比较浮夸,一般是某人要出发、离开或去探险前,你对他说“一路顺风!” Safe Travels 路上注意安全 Another one – Safe travels. Safe travels. It's like "I hope you have a safe trip, have a good trip." “Safe Travels”就相当于,一路顺风,旅途安全。

Life is a Journey, Not a Destination 生活就像一场旅行,没有目的地。 The final one is a really great expression that's sort of a cliche, but I use this one all the time. It's part of an Aerosmith song, but…"Life is a journey, not a destination." It means that we should enjoy the moment and not think too far ahead at the destination. 这个表达是常用俗语,有点老掉牙,不过我还是常常使用。出自Aerosmith乐队一首歌的歌词,意思是我们应该享受当下而不是想着目的地。



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